User:Zelena DeCuir
Less Laggy Follower
--Zelena DeCuir 01:13, 24 June 2012 (PDT)
Zelena, forgive me, I've taken the liberty of moving your two 'follower' scripts to your own user page as they contain major misunderstandings and bad practices. Please feel free to contact me in SL if you'd like some help with them. Omei Qunhua 14:57, 20 December 2012 (PST)
This following is a bit less laggy, as it does not use sensor. This is completelly separate system from previous example.
integer count; key followee;
position() { vector pos = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(followee, [OBJECT_POS]),0); llSetPos(pos); count += 1; if (count > 50) { llResetScript(); // llSay(0,"resetting"); } position2(); } position2() { vector pos = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(followee, [OBJECT_POS]),0); if (pos == <0,0,0> | pos.z > 1000 | pos.z < 800 )//this is to ensure some limitation how far the follower is following. In this case the roaming area is at 900m height.
//So agents below 800 or above 1000ms are not followed. <0,0,0> means the avatar has teleported to other sim.
{ // llRegionSay(-876543,(string)followee);//as you can see the same channel as tellChannel on the assigner script. This in case some object needs to know we have stopped following and deleted ourselves llSleep(1); llDie(); } llSetPos(pos); count += 1; position();// yes this script loops between position(); and position2(); }
default {
state_entry() {
llSleep(3); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,700,"who",""); //asks another script in contents who is wanted to be followed (maybe the other script has a listener, getting the to-be-followed agent from a central server or something) // llSay(0,"reseted"); } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string message, key id) { if (num == 500)//the other script replies, giving us an agentkey to follow { // llfolloweeSay("I follow: " + (string) message); followee = (key)message; // llfolloweeSay("I will follow: " + (string) followee); // llSleep(1); if (followee != "") { llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,600,"got it","");//we tell the other script we got the name and we are ready position(); } return; } } on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); }
And here an example of the other script in the prim contents, that will assign followees
string agentkey; integer deleteChannel = -4567; // the channel your whatever tells this follower to delete itself integer listenID = -97654; // the channel your visitor list send names (to be assigned to be followed) to integer tellChannel = -86443; //in case there is some object, who needs to know who we are following, this is the channel for it to listen
state_entry() { agentkey = ""; llListen(listenID,"",NULL_KEY,""); llSetTimerEvent(5); } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string msg, key id) { if (num == 700 && msg == "who") //the follower script asks us if we know who to follow { llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,500,agentkey, ""); } if (num == 600 && msg == "got it")//the follower script has told us the agent key is received { llListenRemove(listenID);//we have all the data we need, no point listening anylonger (less laggy this way) llSetTimerEvent(0);
state secondary; }
}//link_message end
on_rez(integer start_param)
if (agentkey == "") { llRegionSay(-8765433,"who"); //we repeat this until we know who to follow return; } if (agentkey != "") { llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,500,agentkey, "");//we pass our knowledge to the other script llRegionSay(tellChannel,agentkey);//in case your whatever needs to know who we are following llSleep(6); state secondary; return; }
listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { if (channel == listenID) { llListenRemove(listenID); // llSay(0,"Listen removed, I´ve heard the command"); agentkey = message; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,500, agentkey, ""); llRegionSay(tellChannel,agentkey);// we've got this one to follow
llSetTimerEvent(5); return; } }
state secondary {
state_entry() { llSetTimerEvent(0); llListen(deleteChannel,"","",""); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { if (channel == deleteChannel && message == agentkey) { llDie(); } } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string msg, key id) { if (num == 700 && msg == "who") //the follower script asks us if we know who to follow { llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,500,agentkey, ""); } if (num == 600 && msg == "got it") { return; }
on_rez(integer start_param)
} } </lsl>