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Charlotte Bailey started in Second Life in Jan 2007, because she was getting tired of playing The Sims. She wanted to try out SL instead. She became addicted and has been playing ever since. She started out wandering around SL, picking up freebies and trying to learn as much as possible. She started making regular clothes without prims or templates and then rented a parcel where she built a shop and sold some of her things and some resells. Later on, she started the club Danish Daters and ran it for about a year and a half. She had her own sim for a while, but sold it because it was too expensive. She also wanted to get better at building and spend more time helping people as a mentor, so now she usually to be found in the help island sandboxes.
IRL she is a Danish woman from Oct 12th 1981, educated as a teacher in Danish, English, Home Economics and Needlework. She lives on her own in a small town in Jutland (the bigger part of Denmark). Her interests are among others: singing, dancing, martial arts and her computer ;-) She is fond of helping others irl as well and is currently working both as a teacher and as a helper for disabled children.
See you inworld :-D