UUID Song Generator

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Revision as of 12:26, 23 September 2009 by Sendao Goodman (talk | contribs)
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<lsl> // Sendao Goodman wrote this

integer max_note=7; // change this to the # of notes available! float speed=2.0; // change this to the length to wait before playing the next note

//Don't change anything else yo list playback; integer spot; list notes;

loadNotes() {

   integer i;
   integer ln;
   for( i = llGetNumberOfPrims(); i > 0; i-- )

// we tell the players how long each sound is

   llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 3, (string)speed, "");


list transformKey(key uuid_k, integer max_note) { // convert a key into a string of numbers

   string uuid = (string)uuid_k;
   list uuid_untrans = llParseString2List(uuid, ["", "-"], []);
   list uuid_new;
   string mark;
   integer val;
   float conval;
   integer len = llStringLength(uuid);
   while( len > 0 ) {
       mark = llGetSubString(uuid,len,len);
       val = (integer)mark;
       if( val == 0 ) {
           if( mark == "a" ) 
               val = 10;
           else if( mark == "b" )
               val = 11;
           else if( mark == "c" )
               val = 12;
           else if( mark == "d" )
               val = 13;
           else if( mark == "e" )
               val = 14;
           else if( mark == "f" )
               val = 15;
       conval = (float)val / 16.0;
       if( mark != "-" )
           uuid_new=(uuid_new=[]) + uuid_new + [(integer)(conval*(float)max_note)];
   return uuid_new;


playNote( integer notenum ) // send the message to trigger the note {

   llMessageLinked( llList2Integer(notes,notenum), 1, "", "" );

} default {

   on_rez(integer sp)
   touch_start(integer total_number) // scan avatar key and start playback
       playback = transformKey(llDetectedKey(0), max_note);
       spot = 0;

// llSay(0, "Your adjusted key is " + llDumpList2String(playback, ","));

   timer() // timer is used to play each sound
       if( spot >= llGetListLength(playback) ) {
           llSay(0, "Song complete.");
       playNote( llList2Integer(playback,spot) );

// llSay(0, "Play note " + (string)llList2Integer(playback,spot) + " link " + (string)(llList2Integer(notes,llList2Integer(playback,spot))));


} </lsl>