Beta Server Office Hours/Minutes/2017-02-16

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[20''Italic text''17/02/16 16:06]  arton Rotaru: cya next week
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Mazidox Linden: Generally by Monday we'll have an idea of what's being promoted to various things, and should be able to plan the rest of the week (and thus the agenda) by then, but I want a couple of days buffer in case we're slammed with hippos.
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): cya
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): gotta move my truck
[2017/02/16 16:07]  arton Rotaru: hurry
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Nal (nalates.urriah): Bye all, good to meet you Mazidox
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): thanks for coming
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Mazidox Linden: Good to meet you as well Nal (and you as well Techwolf)
[2017/02/16 16:08]  Techwolf Lupindo: :-)
[2017/02/16 16:08]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): welcome back on aditi
Macintosh-3:caleb_linden caleb$ grep "2017/02/16 1[5-6]" chat.txt
[2017/02/16 15:00]  Jenna Felton: a famous wolf :)
[2017/02/16 15:00]  Techwolf Lupindo: I attneded two office meetings today. Seen a coup;le new lindens faces I have not seen before.
[2017/02/16 15:00]  Lucia Nightfire: you tend to see new faces when you haven't logged in in some time
[2017/02/16 15:00]  Mazidox Linden: I just started last month.
[2017/02/16 15:00]  Jenna Felton: Mazidox would be one of them :)
[2017/02/16 15:01]  Jenna Felton: yes Luciea that is right :)
[2017/02/16 15:01]  Techwolf Lupindo: Yep. Welcome to the crazyness of Second Life Mazidox. :-D
[2017/02/16 15:01]  Jenna Felton: Lucia*
[2017/02/16 15:01]  Mazidox Linden: Thanks, it definitely takes getting used to, but I'm enjoying it already.
[2017/02/16 15:02]  Jenna Felton: that is good :)
[2017/02/16 15:02]  Techwolf Lupindo: Lots of rich history of SL back in its days. :-)
[2017/02/16 15:03]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): did you attend the meetings when it was run by oskar?
[2017/02/16 15:03]  Mazidox Linden: I mean it's been around for what, almost a decade?
[2017/02/16 15:03]  Techwolf Lupindo: Good example is today, I had to ask how other see me. That was a thing in the past. Its mostly fixed now.
[2017/02/16 15:03]  Techwolf Lupindo: Yes. I remember Oskar. :-)
[2017/02/16 15:03]  Mazidox Linden: Anyone know if there's folks who are coming but not here yet?
[2017/02/16 15:03]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): :)
[2017/02/16 15:03]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): good guy
[2017/02/16 15:04]  arton Rotaru: Well I ahve to ask. I see me as a cloud...
[2017/02/16 15:04]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): you look kind of like a Mainzelmannchen
[2017/02/16 15:04]  Techwolf Lupindo: Arton, I see you has a normal human.
[2017/02/16 15:04]  Jenna Felton: perhapy Yuzuru could come, he is here regularly
[2017/02/16 15:05]  Techwolf Lupindo: I think the progblems are due to using the same viewer from the main grid and just hopping to this grid that has a differnt inventory.
[2017/02/16 15:05]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): on that
[2017/02/16 15:05]  Mazidox Linden: I do that on a daily basis and don't have any problems, personally.
[2017/02/16 15:05]  Techwolf Lupindo: I see no voice here. Is that correct?
[2017/02/16 15:05]  Mazidox Linden: Maybe the bugs are just afraid of me.
[2017/02/16 15:05]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): you are going to have the agni inventory merged with what you have on aditi
[2017/02/16 15:05]  arton Rotaru: I haven't had that in the past though
[2017/02/16 15:06]  Techwolf Lupindo: The inventory I have here is very old.
[2017/02/16 15:06]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): oh ok, so i have to look into it
[2017/02/16 15:06]  Mazidox Linden: So, we're 5 minutes past start, let's kick things off.
[2017/02/16 15:06]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): when did you log in to aditi first after all these years?
[2017/02/16 15:06]  Mazidox Linden: First off: We have a new release on Aditi: DRTSIM-339
[2017/02/16 15:06]  Nal (nalates.urriah): Now logging in on ADITI triggers the ADITI inventory update, some time after you log off.
[2017/02/16 15:06]  Jenna Felton: i use separatec cache folder for both grids and start the viewer via two links that use different settings which use these different cache folders. i am almost sure i separated the inventory also this way
[2017/02/16 15:06]  Techwolf Lupindo: Just now, but is second login. I tried re-looging to fix it.
[2017/02/16 15:06]  Mazidox Linden: It includes... Let me see...
[2017/02/16 15:07]  Jenna Felton: separatec =  separated
[2017/02/16 15:07]  Mazidox Linden: We're continuing to make "object can't enter parcel" messages more useful.
[2017/02/16 15:07]  Techwolf Lupindo: Nal, Oh, that is new sence I last log in.
[2017/02/16 15:07]  arton Rotaru: I use separate chaches usually as well. but I did not set that up with 64bit viewer yet
[2017/02/16 15:07]  Mazidox Linden: Some viewer changes to affect that will be coming down the pipe as well, but I don't have details on that, sorry.
[2017/02/16 15:07]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): ^ this is next week's RC on Wednesday
[2017/02/16 15:08]  Mazidox Linden: Additional changes to offline IMs, on two fronts
[2017/02/16 15:08]  Nal (nalates.urriah): It causes some confusion and may cause problems if a viewer uses the same inventory cache for both grids. The Linden viewer force separate caches, I thin Fs does too, not sure. I may have set a different cache location.
[2017/02/16 15:09]  Mazidox Linden: 1) We're squashing what we think is the cause of "offline IM to email sometimes stop being delivered" 2) We're continuing the push to make offline IM delivery more reliable when you log back in
[2017/02/16 15:09]  arton Rotaru: do we get full object names in the can't enter parcel message?
[2017/02/16 15:09]  Techwolf Lupindo: The viewer use to not too. I work to fix that years ago. Can't remember if I totally fix that or someone else picked up and finished that project.
[2017/02/16 15:09]  Mazidox Linden: You'll get... I think the least you should get now is around 50 characters, but don't quote me on that arton.
[2017/02/16 15:10]  Mazidox Linden: That's just based on my own quick tests last night.
[2017/02/16 15:10]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): any shineys or not?
[2017/02/16 15:10]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): why do I ask anymore, ehh
[2017/02/16 15:10]  arton Rotaru: well that's better than ...say 4 :)
[2017/02/16 15:10]  Mazidox Linden: There's some kind of dynamic precision truncation going on that makes it work very nicely, IMO.
[2017/02/16 15:10]  Nal (nalates.urriah): You keep upgrading that IM code... THe attachements going stale is still annoying. Is that being worked on as part of these changes?
[2017/02/16 15:11]  Mazidox Linden: Nal, I'm not familiar with that bug, do you have a Jira link?
[2017/02/16 15:11]  Nal (nalates.urriah): No... and Whirly is not here. I'll see if I can find it.
[2017/02/16 15:12]  Mazidox Linden: Lastly we're continuing the move to serve more kinds of assets in the same way we do mesh today.
[2017/02/16 15:13]  Techwolf Lupindo: Yea, loading of sounds and object should be better. :-)
[2017/02/16 15:13]  Mazidox Linden: Which, at least to me, is pretty cool sounding.
[2017/02/16 15:13]  arton Rotaru: it is indeed
[2017/02/16 15:14]  Mazidox Linden: So! That's what I've got for you... What have you all got for me?
[2017/02/16 15:14]  Mazidox Linden: Any issues anyone wants to raise up? (I'll give Nal a minute to see if that Jira can be located)
[2017/02/16 15:15]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Caleb, what was the consensus on what needed to be changed with BUG-41364 ?
[2017/02/16 15:15]  Nal (nalates.urriah): BUG-10498, BUG-203,  ... not finding the main one but, 10498 is closest. Group announcements age out after a couple of hours and links to attachments stop working.
[2017/02/16 15:16]  Techwolf Lupindo: Quick history for new ones here. UDP was used at first many years due to it was quicker to send lots of small files, but as the Internet grew, computer got faster, etc. UDP started to show it huge shortcomming of non-relieable transfer. Now with "cloudfare" cache becomming popular all over the net, http is the way to go to get assest moved closer to the client network wise.
[2017/02/16 15:16]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): Lucy, prod has not prioritized it yet
[2017/02/16 15:16]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): there had to be a consensus on something for it to be accepted
[2017/02/16 15:17]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): the consensus is that it's reproducible
[2017/02/16 15:17]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): but it isn't a bug
[2017/02/16 15:17]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): thats what I've been arguing with that hardhead about
[2017/02/16 15:17]  arton Rotaru: lol
[2017/02/16 15:17]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): so sorry :)
[2017/02/16 15:18]  arton Rotaru: ehat's the BUG ehh non BUG about?
[2017/02/16 15:18]  arton Rotaru: what's*
[2017/02/16 15:18]  Jonathan Yap: Nalates, Simon explained why that happens years ago
[2017/02/16 15:18]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): read teh jira, arton, heh
[2017/02/16 15:18]  arton Rotaru: sigh
[2017/02/16 15:18]  Mazidox Linden: So, per 10498 the issue is still happening?
[2017/02/16 15:19]  arton Rotaru: when I log in now, and it tells me permission violation...
[2017/02/16 15:19]  arton Rotaru: then you better run :p
[2017/02/16 15:19]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): refresh the page or something, its not a private issue
[2017/02/16 15:19]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): so far, i haven't heard anything from prod what they are going to do with it. but it's going to be in the backlog for a while until reevaluation. could end up in the deferred bucket
[2017/02/16 15:20]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): changing the behavior now is dangerous
[2017/02/16 15:20]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): yeah
[2017/02/16 15:20]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): shouldn't even be considered
[2017/02/16 15:20]  Nal (nalates.urriah): Yes, Simon did explain why and what the problem was with fixing it. So, we still have the annoyance. Those that have been in SL know how to work around it: open the group and download a new copy of the announcement.
[2017/02/16 15:20]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): because there is risk to breaking content
[2017/02/16 15:20]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): that behavior has been documented and known for years
[2017/02/16 15:20]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): agreed
[2017/02/16 15:20]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I know exactly what she is wanted though, but she is too damn proud to admit it
[2017/02/16 15:21]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): will it help that i add a comment on the risk of breaking content?
[2017/02/16 15:21]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): she wants llGetInventoryKey() to return UUID's for assets of any perms
[2017/02/16 15:21]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): and Simon has already said in previous OH's that they don't want to give access to those
[2017/02/16 15:22]  Mazidox Linden: I think I can categorically state that won't happen.
[2017/02/16 15:22]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): because a request has been brought up before to change llGetInventoryKey()'s behaviour
[2017/02/16 15:23]  Mazidox Linden: Anyone else have an issue that they'd like to bring up?
[2017/02/16 15:23]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I can deal with a change in the script error llGetNumberOfNotecardLines() or llGetNotecardLine() can cause with unsaved notecards, but not a change in llGetInventoryKey()'s behavior
[2017/02/16 15:24]  Mazidox Linden: Even if it's literally for that specific edge case Lucia?
[2017/02/16 15:24]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I can bring up a wishlist of stuff if you want, Mazi, heh
[2017/02/16 15:24]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): what edge case?
[2017/02/16 15:25]  Mazidox Linden: (Also, I'm going to move to the next topic in two minutes unless someone has additional issues to raise.)
[2017/02/16 15:25]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): what are you calling an edge case specifically?
[2017/02/16 15:25]  Mazidox Linden: The case where a notecard exists but has not yet been saved.
[2017/02/16 15:25]  Mazidox Linden: That's what we're talking about here, yes?
[2017/02/16 15:25]  Mazidox Linden: The case where the object is currently ephemeral?
[2017/02/16 15:25]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): the issue is the behavior of llGetNumberOfNotecardLines() or llGetNotecardLine() attempting to read an unsaved notecard
[2017/02/16 15:26]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): right not a script error occurs
[2017/02/16 15:27]  Jonathan Yap: Do you get 0 back for the line count?
[2017/02/16 15:27]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): the OP wants either a change in error message or behavior change to llGetInventoryKey() to not fail when targeting assets of restricted permissions
[2017/02/16 15:27]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): with emphasis on the latter
[2017/02/16 15:28]  Jenna Felton: as far i know reading unsaved notecard makes the script say the notecard could not be found
[2017/02/16 15:28]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): right
[2017/02/16 15:28]  Mazidox Linden: Okay, I'm going to move to the next topic, which is... More testing!
[2017/02/16 15:28]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): it has been documented bahavior for years
[2017/02/16 15:28]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): since 2009
[2017/02/16 15:28]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): and she now whats changes
[2017/02/16 15:28]  Mazidox Linden: I'm worried I'm going to habituate you all to having something to test each week
[2017/02/16 15:28]  Mazidox Linden: But fortunately we have something you can help test again this week.
[2017/02/16 15:28]  Nal (nalates.urriah): To late to worry about conditioning us...
[2017/02/16 15:29]  Second Life: Entering god mode, level 200
[2017/02/16 15:29]  Second Life: Entering god mode, level 200
[2017/02/16 15:30]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): i get it
[2017/02/16 15:30]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): you like teh tall gals and you know it
[2017/02/16 15:31]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): gur's
[2017/02/16 15:31]  arton Rotaru: lol
[2017/02/16 15:31]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): and finally FA1 gets some use
[2017/02/16 15:31]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): since it never sees shineys anymore, smh
[2017/02/16 15:31]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): let's bombard Mazidox Tester with IMs
[2017/02/16 15:31]  Jenna Felton: nice, sun is rising :)
[2017/02/16 15:31]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): Valentyn notes if you want
[2017/02/16 15:32]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): valentin
[2017/02/16 15:32]  Jenna Felton: secondlife:///app/agent/28f9d632-c8d9-4a84-8fd7-71363053a63f/about
[2017/02/16 15:33]  Mazidox Linden: Yeah. Looks a little shifty, huh? Who has Tester as a last name anyway? IM him and give him a piece of your mind!
[2017/02/16 15:33]  arton Rotaru: You are lucky to get a last name at all :p
[2017/02/16 15:33]  Techwolf Lupindo: I just did....check the mail. :-)
[2017/02/16 15:33]  Mazidox Linden: Am I?
[2017/02/16 15:34]  arton Rotaru: sure
[2017/02/16 15:34]  arton Rotaru: nobody else does since ages
[2017/02/16 15:34]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I send my object IM's to my KVP db and read them back later
[2017/02/16 15:34]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): remember when people adopted Nguyen as their last name in Vietnam?
[2017/02/16 15:34]  Jonathan Yap: what are we supposed to do ?
[2017/02/16 15:35]  Mazidox Linden: IM Mazidox Tester :)
[2017/02/16 15:35]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): dance apparently
[2017/02/16 15:35]  Nal (nalates.urriah): Now you are dating yourself...
[2017/02/16 15:35]  Jonathan Yap: how many times?
[2017/02/16 15:35]  Mazidox Linden: As many or as few as you want.
[2017/02/16 15:36]  Jonathan Yap: are you really going to get all 20 of my messages, or are they capped?
[2017/02/16 15:36]  Mazidox Linden: That's part of the test!
[2017/02/16 15:36]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): do testers get premium ammount?
[2017/02/16 15:36]  arton Rotaru: lol
[2017/02/16 15:37]  Mazidox Linden: I don't know; I don't actually manage my accounts.
[2017/02/16 15:37]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): oh shit
[2017/02/16 15:38]  Jonathan Yap: stop
[2017/02/16 15:38]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I swear
[2017/02/16 15:38]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): no fun
[2017/02/16 15:39]  Mazidox Linden: Well, looks like we found a bug.
[2017/02/16 15:39]  Mazidox Linden: I have exactly 0 IMs in my inbox so far.
[2017/02/16 15:39]  Techwolf Lupindo: Did I break it again?
[2017/02/16 15:41]  Mazidox Linden: I got it enabled for my account in particular; in general, no.
[2017/02/16 15:41]  Jonathan Yap: they do if you are god
[2017/02/16 15:41]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Caleb, leaving your toys out again
[2017/02/16 15:41]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Linden prims don't get autoreturned
[2017/02/16 15:41]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): clean up, clean up, everybody do your part
[2017/02/16 15:42]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): Torley forgets that
[2017/02/16 15:42]  Jenna Felton: there should be 10 relativelly shourt messages from me and one that my viewer or whatever instance splitted in 4 messages (i got 4 responses) and i have sent this note as IM too
[2017/02/16 15:42]  Jenna Felton: "shourt" = short
[2017/02/16 15:42]  Mazidox Linden: Is Torley still doing things in SL?
[2017/02/16 15:43]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): not a clue
[2017/02/16 15:43]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): not like theres many shineys being released for him to make vids on, heh
[2017/02/16 15:43]  Mazidox Linden: Wow
[2017/02/16 15:43]  arton Rotaru: last thing he did was a bento video I guess
[2017/02/16 15:43]  Mazidox Linden: Techwolf and Lucia win longest messages
[2017/02/16 15:43]  Jonathan Yap: he made a video last year
[2017/02/16 15:43]  Jonathan Yap: whispers: I want him to start with
[2017/02/16 15:44]  Jonathan Yap: Friendly Greetings again
[2017/02/16 15:44]  Mazidox Linden: Okay, once more please.
[2017/02/16 15:44]  Jenna Felton: should we keep sending messages?
[2017/02/16 15:44]  Jenna Felton: ok
[2017/02/16 15:44]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): to mazidox tester?
[2017/02/16 15:44]  Mazidox Linden: I heard that Tester dude said you can't get him 100 messages in under a minute.
[2017/02/16 15:44]  Jonathan Yap: I am not getting "is offine" after 14 messages
[2017/02/16 15:45]  Jonathan Yap: now I am getting "excessive"
[2017/02/16 15:45]  Jonathan Yap: does that apply to all IMs I would send or just to that 1 person?
[2017/02/16 15:45]  Mazidox Linden: Maybe you're excessively awesome Jonathan? No, really, I have no idea. Maybe there's a limit on IMs/minute? (Caleb?)
[2017/02/16 15:45]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): yeah
[2017/02/16 15:45]  Jonathan Yap: Second Life: You have sent out excessive instant messages, and your ability to send IMs has been temporarily suspended. Try again later.
[2017/02/16 15:46]  arton Rotaru: lol
[2017/02/16 15:46]  Jonathan Yap: haha, banned
[2017/02/16 15:46]  Nal (nalates.urriah): I got suspended...
[2017/02/16 15:46]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): yeah, there is a rate quota
[2017/02/16 15:46]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): suspended huh?
[2017/02/16 15:46]  Jonathan Yap: this is the message
[2017/02/16 15:46]  Jonathan Yap: Second Life: You have sent out excessive instant messages, and your ability to send IMs has been temporarily suspended. Try again later.
[2017/02/16 15:46]  Nal (nalates.urriah): OK, that was a losing bet for us. The servers are on Mazidox's side.
[2017/02/16 15:47]  Mazidox Linden: I should have bet L$ :D
[2017/02/16 15:47]  Nal (nalates.urriah): :P
[2017/02/16 15:47]  Jonathan Yap: well, at least the message is not like "ERROR 17"
[2017/02/16 15:48]  Mazidox Linden: You really like those @ symbols Lucia
[2017/02/16 15:48]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): seems you got your emails this time
[2017/02/16 15:48]  arton Rotaru: lol
[2017/02/16 15:48]  Mazidox Linden: I like the proto-art Nal.
[2017/02/16 15:48]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): @ is the widest 1 byte char, so it fills teh chat pretty good
[2017/02/16 15:48]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): so, IM throttle limite 1.4/second
[2017/02/16 15:48]  Nal (nalates.urriah): O.O
[2017/02/16 15:49]  Jenna Felton: found something pretty interesting and then it is broken
[2017/02/16 15:49]  Jenna Felton:
[2017/02/16 15:50]  Jonathan Yap: I thought those sprites were done away with 10 years ago
[2017/02/16 15:50]  Jenna Felton: pitty
[2017/02/16 15:50]  Mazidox Linden: History
[2017/02/16 15:50]  Mazidox Linden: That sounds... Old.
[2017/02/16 15:50]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): yeah, the last thing to I saw use it was the black cage
[2017/02/16 15:51]  Jenna Felton: i know a car builder who wants sparkies go out if the car bumps in walls
[2017/02/16 15:51]  Jenna Felton: would be doable with sprites
[2017/02/16 15:51]  Jonathan Yap: those were the days when the whole grid was taken down on a Tuesday and after it came back up you had to install a new viewer
[2017/02/16 15:52]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): the days of h1 orbits and script blitzing
[2017/02/16 15:52]  arton Rotaru: the golden age of SL :p
[2017/02/16 15:52]  Jonathan Yap: hair on butt after TP
[2017/02/16 15:53]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): ruth
[2017/02/16 15:53]  Mazidox Linden: Sounds wonderful?
[2017/02/16 15:53]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): no sculpts or mesh
[2017/02/16 15:53]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): or even flexi
[2017/02/16 15:53]  Techwolf Lupindo: Ruthed all the time. :-)
[2017/02/16 15:53]  Jenna Felton: it was funny when it was not frustrating sometimes :)
[2017/02/16 15:54]  Mazidox Linden: So, I think that's everything I have for you for today.
[2017/02/16 15:54]  Mazidox Linden: Anyone have any more questions?
[2017/02/16 15:54]  Jenna Felton: or skirt that disappears when you TP. this made me stop buying outfits that use skirt layer
[2017/02/16 15:54]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): when do we get shineys
[2017/02/16 15:54]  arton Rotaru: lol
[2017/02/16 15:54]  Mazidox Linden: Soon™
[2017/02/16 15:54]  Jenna Felton: hehe
[2017/02/16 15:55]  Mazidox Linden: But first Internal Fixes™
[2017/02/16 15:55]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): what areas are LL going to work on this year as far as shineys go
[2017/02/16 15:55]  arton Rotaru: when is that more assets on http coming?
[2017/02/16 15:55]  Mazidox Linden: No idea, they don't tell me the good stuff :(
[2017/02/16 15:56]  arton Rotaru: as long as they don't tell you the bad stuff either... all is good
[2017/02/16 15:57]  arton Rotaru: so, why didn't you got the IM's on the first attempt?
[2017/02/16 15:57]  Mazidox Linden: I basically get told "Okay Mazi, today in order to get your food ration you're going to spray 40 bugs. If you get 50 we'll give you some sunlight."
[2017/02/16 15:57]  Techwolf Lupindo: Let me guess, fix was fixing a typo? LOL
[2017/02/16 15:57]  Mazidox Linden: IMs... Hmm... I think it was before we fixed anything, it was all best effort
[2017/02/16 15:58]  Mazidox Linden: Then we made sure it wasn't just a fire hose of IMs... But it was still silly fast. Now it's less silly fast.
[2017/02/16 15:58]  Mazidox Linden: Sorry I can't be more specific.
[2017/02/16 15:58]  arton Rotaru: i mean, just with our test today :p
[2017/02/16 15:58]  Mazidox Linden: Oh
[2017/02/16 15:58]  Mazidox Linden: I had IMs unchecked.
[2017/02/16 15:58]  arton Rotaru: 1st time none, second time it worked
[2017/02/16 15:58]  Mazidox Linden: That was the test :)
[2017/02/16 15:59]  arton Rotaru: oh lol
[2017/02/16 15:59]  Mazidox Linden: Remember, we changed it on two fronts.
[2017/02/16 15:59]  Techwolf Lupindo: LOLOL
[2017/02/16 15:59]  Mazidox Linden: One of them was testing IM delivery when IMs have been disabled via the link in emails.
[2017/02/16 15:59]  arton Rotaru: okay
[2017/02/16 15:59]  arton Rotaru: so all is working well then ?
[2017/02/16 15:59]  Mazidox Linden: (That's actually the most important test; if we were to email when people said "no, stop" we'd probably get yelled at by The Internet Police or something)
[2017/02/16 16:00]  arton Rotaru: yup
[2017/02/16 16:00]  Techwolf Lupindo: Anther test, now that you enable it, get flooded with emails in queu.
[2017/02/16 16:00]  Mazidox Linden: Everything worked as best I could tell, I'll pass the server logs on to smarter people than me later.
[2017/02/16 16:00]  Jonathan Yap: can you, or would you, improve on the message we see when IMs are capped--I guess now it looks like our messages are going through when they aren't ??
[2017/02/16 16:01]  Mazidox Linden: Uhh, if you file a feature request I can get it triaged at our server triage next week.
[2017/02/16 16:02]  Jonathan Yap: where is whirly, I bet this has been requested already
[2017/02/16 16:02]  arton Rotaru: Rex is missing as well
[2017/02/16 16:02]  arton Rotaru: and yuz
[2017/02/16 16:02]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): shouts: PEOPLE HAVE LIVES
[2017/02/16 16:02]  arton Rotaru: lol
[2017/02/16 16:02]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): lol
[2017/02/16 16:02]  Mazidox Linden: I mean, some people have two.
[2017/02/16 16:02]  Jonathan Yap:
[2017/02/16 16:02]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): First Life
[2017/02/16 16:02]  Mazidox Linden: We call them... Residents.
[2017/02/16 16:02]  Jonathan Yap: here, bump that into the queue
[2017/02/16 16:02]  arton Rotaru: or they check the wiki page and just read No meeting today lol
[2017/02/16 16:03]  Mazidox Linden: That was 100% my fault Arton.
[2017/02/16 16:03]  Techwolf Lupindo: What wiki page?
[2017/02/16 16:03]  Mazidox Linden: Mia culpa, and won't happen again.
[2017/02/16 16:03]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): how many of you check that wiki?
[2017/02/16 16:03]  arton Rotaru: updating that page a few hours erlier might help
[2017/02/16 16:03]  arton Rotaru: I do since there is an agenda now
[2017/02/16 16:04]  Nal (nalates.urriah): Mazi, have you met Whirly?
[2017/02/16 16:04]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): just to get a sense
[2017/02/16 16:04]  Mazidox Linden: As I said Arton, my goal is to always have it updated by Wednesday *at the latest*
[2017/02/16 16:04]  Jenna Felton: i checked 30min before meeting to see what would come
[2017/02/16 16:04]  arton Rotaru: and if there is a meeting at all
[2017/02/16 16:04]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): good to know
[2017/02/16 16:04]  Jenna Felton: and i almost thought meeting is dismissed but then noticed the date :)
[2017/02/16 16:04]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): what is next weeks agenda? heh
[2017/02/16 16:04]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): yeah, apologies for the non-update
[2017/02/16 16:04]  Jenna Felton: no problem :)
[2017/02/16 16:04]  arton Rotaru: yeah, you have to read the date and everything to get what's going on lol
[2017/02/16 16:05]  Mazidox Linden: Next week's agenda is TBD based on what actually gets out of the oven by... When's our cutoff Caleb?
[2017/02/16 16:05]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): mazi and i totally planned out this meeting the day before
[2017/02/16 16:05]  arton Rotaru: no worries guys
[2017/02/16 16:05]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): I take it is going out next week?
[2017/02/16 16:06]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): very likely
[2017/02/16 16:06]  Lucy Daughter of the Devil (lucia.nightfire): !env
[2017/02/16 16:06]  arton Rotaru: alrighty, I g2g
[2017/02/16 16:06]  arton Rotaru: cya next week
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Mazidox Linden: Generally by Monday we'll have an idea of what's being promoted to various things, and should be able to plan the rest of the week (and thus the agenda) by then, but I want a couple of days buffer in case we're slammed with hippos.
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): cya
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): gotta move my truck
[2017/02/16 16:07]  arton Rotaru: hurry
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Nal (nalates.urriah): Bye all, good to meet you Mazidox
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): thanks for coming
[2017/02/16 16:07]  Mazidox Linden: Good to meet you as well Nal (and you as well Techwolf)
[2017/02/16 16:08]  Techwolf Lupindo: :-)
[2017/02/16 16:08]  Caleb the Cable Guy (caleb.linden): welcome back on aditi