Template:LSL Constants/Custom Damage Types

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Revision as of 06:06, 15 June 2024 by Nexii Malthus (talk | contribs)
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Flag Description Creator System
DAMAGE_TYPE_MEDICAL 100 Negative damage to heal a wound, damaged limb, first aid, etc. Intended for generic healing of biological nature. Positive damage would be medical malpractice Nexii Malthus Vertical Sim
DAMAGE_TYPE_REPAIR 101 Negative damage from repairing an object or something mechanical, welding torch or wrench on a vehicle/robot/mech, etc. Positive damage can be due to mistakes, low skill or sabotage. Intended for generic healing of non-biological nature (e.g. a mechanical tank or an electrical system). Nexii Malthus Vertical Sim
DAMAGE_TYPE_EXPLOSIVE 102 Damage caused by an explosive blast, like a grenade Nexii Malthus Vertical Sim
DAMAGE_TYPE_CRUSHING 103 Damage caused by crushing. Such as being crushed by water pressure Nexii Malthus Vertical Sim

Custom damage types are in blocks of #00-#99 per Creator. You can reserve another block range if you filled one.

It is recommended to use simple words for the damage type and the description should describe the intent. Someone might want to use your damage type in their scripts or it could even be used in third party HUDs that may need to describe your damage to a reader. E.g. for DAMAGE_TYPE_CRUSHING from an object named "water" I could code a PvP HUD to tell the (user) was (crushed) by (water).