User:Cory Fimicoloud

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Sat 12th May 2007

LSL Functions

Functions I have created. Will add more as I go through my scripts.

Will create a separate page for them and categorize/move the functions into it later.


Returns the UTF-8 byte count of the string passed to it. <lsl> integer UTF8Len(string fsString) { // Author: Cory Fimicoloud // License: integer liLen = ~llStringLength(fsString); string lsChar = ""; string lsEnc = ""; integer liByteLen = 0; while (++liLen < 0) { lsEnc = llEscapeURL((lsChar = llGetSubString(fsString, liLen, liLen))); if (lsChar != lsEnc) liByteLen += llStringLength(lsEnc) / 3; else ++liByteLen; } return liByteLen; } default { state_entry() { // 63 characters. Each of the characters uses 1 byte except for ¢ (2 bytes) and € (3 bytes). Which results in 66 bytes. string lsString = "Can I have $10 and 7¢, please? I would prefer it in €'s though."; llOwnerSay("'" + lsString + "' is " + (string)UTF8Len(lsString) + " bytes."); } }</lsl>


Returns a list containing the string passed to it, split every fiSplit bytes. <lsl> list UTF8Split(string fsString, integer fiSplit) { // Author: Cory Fimicoloud // License: string lsSplit = ""; list laSplit = []; integer liLen = ~llStringLength(fsString); string lsChar = ""; string lsEnc = ""; integer liByteLen = 0; while (++liLen < 0) { lsChar = llGetSubString(fsString, liLen, liLen); lsEnc = llEscapeURL(lsChar); if (lsChar != lsEnc) liByteLen += llStringLength(lsEnc) / 3; else ++liByteLen; if (liByteLen <= fiSplit) lsSplit += lsChar; else { laSplit += [lsSplit]; lsSplit = lsChar; liByteLen = 0; } } return laSplit + [lsSplit]; } default { state_entry() { list laSplit = UTF8Split("Can I have $10 and 7¢, please? I would prefer it in €'s though.", 33); llOwnerSay("UTF8Split\n==========\t0: " + llList2String(laSplit, 0) + "\n\t1: " + llList2String(laSplit, 1)); } }</lsl>

See Also