Valley of Felix Meritis

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Revision as of 09:34, 8 November 2008 by SirJames Humphreys (talk | contribs)
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Welcome at the Valley of Felix Meritis!

Here you'll find the right peace and relief to escape all sex and shopping in Second Life. Under the protection of the monastery all people are welcome.

As a resident of the Valley you become a settler.

About the homes

All homes at the Valley of Felix Meritis have blinds and lockable doors. To blind the windows there is a ball in every room. You have multiple options.

The doors are lockable. After you paid the rent Man Monnett will contact you and explain how the locks work.

You can rent for 4 to 8 weeks.

Every homes has a maximum use of prims. It says at the box how many prims you can use in your home. A prim is a box, circle, sphere etc. All objects are made out of prims. To know how many prims an object contains - simply ... right mouse click on object, <edit>, Select <more> on the 'general' tab it says the amount of primitives (prims). You will be automatically warned when you use over your prim limit.

To place objects in your home you have to be a member of the Felix Meritis group and have this membership active.

Rules at the Monastery of Felix Meritis

As being a humble inhabitant of the monastery and valley you are expected to be friendly, open minded, and respectful to all opinions on live, sexuality, and religion other than your own. Violation of this rule will lead to an immediate ban.

At Felix Meritis you don't need a lot of stuff. There's no room for TV's, pools, tubs, cars, helicopters or any other huge constructions. You are not allowed to produce any sound or have objects which produce sound like wind chimes.

As a tenant you are required to keep your stuff inside your house. If your house has a deck, you are allowed to use a deck chair and table outside.

The monastery and valley is not a market place. You are not allowed to advertise in any way your goods. If you'd like to sell anything, let me know.

Man Monnett

Backery House

FM Backery House.png

Rooms: 1

Size: 8x10m

Price per week: 500 L$

Prims: 50

Farmer House

FM Farmer House.png

Rooms: 1 Price per week: 350 L$ Prims: 75

Sheep Farmer House

FM Sheep Farmer House.png

Rooms: 2

Size: 10x10m, 10x10

Price per week: 500 L$

Prims: 25

Mill House

FM Sheep Farmer House.png

Price per week: 800 L$

Rooms: 2

Size: 20x19x12.5

Prims: 100

Blinds and doors: yes

Furniture: yes (can be taken out gives you 100 prims extra)

Antibes Home

FM Antibes Home.png

Price per week: 950 L$

Prims: 100

Valley View House

FM Valley View House.png

Price per week: 700 L$ Prims: 200

Marseille House

FM Mareille House.png

Rooms: 2

Price per week: 850 L$

Prims: 250