Emacs LSL Mode

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Revision as of 13:05, 6 December 2008 by Xah Toll (talk | contribs) (added xlsl-mode)
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Since I can't figure out how to attach this or whatever to the page, you'll have to copy-and-paste the text below into a file called "lsl-mode.el" so the autoload in the comments below can work out.

I have modified this slightly to allow for C++ style comments not C comments (// instead of /* */){--RichardR Bleac 08:01, 13 June 2007 (PDT)}

;; This software has been given to the PUBLIC DOMAIN. Use it as you see
;; fit. As usual, no warrantees are available, neither expressed nor
;; implied. You use this software at your own risk.

;; To load this into emacs, add the following lines to your .emacs:
; (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/directory/containing/this/file")
; (autoload 'lsl-mode "lsl-mode" "Load LSL mode." t)
; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.lsl$" . lsl-mode))
;; You should then be able to load up LSL files and get the pretty
;; colors and indentation.

;; This is derived from C-mode, since LSL is so similar. There'll
;; probably be a couple gotchas as a result. I haven't tested this
;; thorougly, but it works well enough for me. If you have any
;; improvements, feel free to contact Brain Curry in game.

(defcustom lsl-keywords
  '("for" "if" "else" "break" "while" "do" "return" "state" "default")
  "LSL keywords."
  :type 'list
  :group 'lsl-font-lock)

(defcustom lsl-types
  '("integer" "float" "string" "key" "list" "vector" "rotation")
  "LSL types."
  :type 'list
  :group 'lsl-font-lock)

(defcustom lsl-constants
  "LSL constants."
  :type 'list
  :group 'lsl-font-lock)

(defcustom lsl-events
  '("at_rot_target" "at_target" "attach" "changed" "collision"
    "collision_end" "collision_start" "control" "dataserver"
    "email" "land_collision" "land_collision_end"
    "land_collision_start" "link_message" "listen" "money"
    "moving_end" "moving_start" "no_sensor" "not_at_rot_target"
    "not_at_target" "object_rez" "on_rez" "remote_data"
    "run_time_permissions" "sensor" "state_entry" "state_exit"
    "timer" "touch" "touch_end" "touch_start")
  "LSL events."
  :type 'list
  :group 'lsl-font-lock)

(defvar lsl-builtin-regexp "\\<ll[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+\\>")
(defvar lsl-keywords-regexp (regexp-opt lsl-keywords 'words))
(defvar lsl-type-regexp (regexp-opt lsl-types 'words))
(defvar lsl-constant-regexp (regexp-opt lsl-constants 'words))
(defvar lsl-event-regexp (regexp-opt lsl-events 'words))
(defvar lsl-variable-name-regexp
  (concat "\\<integer\\>" "\\s+\\(\\<foo\\s +bar\\>\\)"))

(setq lsl-font-lock-keywords
    (,lsl-type-regexp . font-lock-type-face)
    ("\\(\\<\\S +\\>\\)\\s *(" 1 font-lock-function-name-face t)
    (,lsl-event-regexp 0 font-lock-builtin-face t)
    (,lsl-builtin-regexp 0 font-lock-builtin-face t)
    (,(concat lsl-type-regexp "\\W+\\(\\<\\w+\\>\\)") 2 font-lock-variable-name-face)
    (,lsl-constant-regexp . font-lock-constant-face)))

;;(define-derived-mode lsl-mode c-mode "LSL"
(define-derived-mode lsl-mode c++-mode "LSL"
  "Major mode for editing LSL.
  (setq font-lock-defaults '((lsl-font-lock-keywords) nil nil)))

(provide 'lsl-mode)

Another lsl mode, xlsl-mode by Xah Lee is available at


This mode supports syntax coloring, comment/uncomment, reference lookup. It also support syntax checking with lslint and function templates insertion with yasnippet.