2007 Second Life Market Data Project

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Revision as of 08:19, 10 April 2007 by Rene Ideator (talk | contribs) (Explanation of Project and Weekly Update)
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As of March 2007, a group is being formed, made up of companies who are interested in gathering voluntary survey data about how Second Life Residents behave in real life. This is a wide-ranging group from academics and journalists to Fortune 500 companies and advertising agencies--all people and organizations who are interested in supporting, understanding and growing an important emerging community.

The purpose of this research is to provide learning about the Community and the Residents (voluntarily), learning that will hopefully help create experiences that are better both for the creator of that experience, and for the Residents that are interacting with that experience. Finally, we believe that this knowledge will ultimately help the community as a whole.

Our general approach is to conduct quantitative and qualitative research and then open source the data and a top-line analysis. We will be finalizing this approach and will use this page to communicate updates on a consistent weekly basis.

And, as this is an open, collaborative process, we invite input and ideas from all. To that end, the purpose of this page is to provide a public space where Residents and other members of the Second Life ecosystem can ask questions, learn from, and collaborate with this group as they plan to carry out their research. We are very excited about this opportunity and we thank you for it.

For more information about this group, please check in here or contact Rene Huey-Lipton, VP, Director of Marketplace Planning, at GSD&M in Austin, TX. You can reach me at Rene_Huey-Lipton_AT_GSDM_DOTCOM.