I'm an Australian living in France and I've been in SL for two years. I came to look at the Libraries, and stayed to do lots of other things :-) hmm I must get back to the Libraries! The most surprising things I have found in SL are really great friends and wonderful music and art. I love meeting new people and learning more about the tremendous range of things happening in SL :-) I like to support new friends as they discover their own way to live their second life, and help out whenever and wherever I can.
Second Life
Changeable! I love my tiny sheep :-)
As in my First Life, I dabble in lots of things in SL.. build a little and edit a lot, try to keep up with some of the great live music, visit galleries and collect art, and maintain a gallery of my RL photos, and I enjoy teaching and attending classes and discussions when time permits. If you've seen me you'll know I love clothes so I also shop quite a lot! I volunteer in Second Life at ABC Island.
You can see some of the things I've been doing in SL on my Flickr page Flickr photos
First Life
BA (Ling & Psy), Grad Dip Lib & Inf Sci, PG Cert Early Childhood
English and working on my French
Sydney, GMT +10 or Paris, GMT +1
I'm an educational faculty trainer and support officer and general geek, interested in software and interface design, web technologies and social networking.
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