User:Azreal Vlodovic

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Revision as of 13:34, 2 February 2009 by Azreal Vlodovic (talk | contribs) (Fastest Man, Natural Speed, Azreal Vlodovic)
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Speed Blind I have been an in world denizen since late May of 2008 and since I started, I always had the feeling that I was different than others in this game. I look just like everyone else, my eyes, hair, skin, shape and clothes are all normal depending on how that word can be defined. My mannerisms are much like what most have surely seen when logged in. I speak just like you do and I walk just like you do. Yes, I walk just like you do, but press the keys CTRL and R and that simply changes everything anyone knows about running. As hard as it is to believe, I almost never ran in world and now it is all I do. I can travel at an incredibly high speed. When I walk, I walk at a normal pace but when I enter Run Mode I can outrun any fast moving object that I face in a challenge. I am impossible to see when I run at my full potential and the chance of winning me in a race is even further out of reach. I am confident enough to say that it is more likely to change your avatar’s name than to beat me in a race. All of you are certainly quick to assume that this is possible for anyone if they possess a HUD that increases one’s speed; however, I do not have any enhancer. I discovered that I can increase my speed to great frequencies all on my own without the aid of an external device attached to my screen. When I searched all over my inventory for anything that I could be wearing in order to run and fly extremely fast, I found absolutely nothing. I tried every keyword and looked into anything I did have on that seemed like it could increase my speed. In fact I took everything off and applied a new skin and shape without any hair to become the most basic avatar. I then tested my speed once more and saw that I was still so fast that I was penetrating the boundaries various simulations and travel to uncharted spaces on the grid and along with that, I was also able to stop, turn around and go back. I consulted experts and I conducted extensive amounts of research as though this was as essential to me as something occurring in the real world. Many designers who specialized in Speed Boosters and Teledashes explained that it is possible to have acquired a script within the construction of the avatar upon creating the account simply by chance. Advisors housed at New User Help simulators often theorized that it was a defect in the initial modification of the avatar that allowed it to move unbelievably fast, much like a defect causing an avatar to stretch its extremities. In a natural act of defense I refused to accept that this latent ability is a defect or a problem of any kind, and so I chose to embrace what I can do. I chose to put my speed to the test. As it stands I have raced five hundred fourteen (514) other users in both running and flying challenges. One hundred (100) of those races were against people operating vehicles in their highest gears and/or they were utilizing their maximum level of throttle. I won all of the races. Nine opponents of mine cheated when they competed against me by teleporting from one end of the region to the opposite end, but I still include those races because I beat them anyways. It required a great deal of control and an improvement of my reflexes to be able to successfully steer myself when running or flying because I would often become intangible and end up in places I did not want to be in or completely go out of whack with my speed and be automatically logged out due to apparently going off world. Sometimes my speed has even let me down by being dampened by lag or literally shutting off causing me to be limited to traveling as slow as a normal avatar and it is then that I consider an actually defect is being mustered up. It is early February and I am still the fastest man on the grid but my focus has been turned away from racing others and is now channeled towards gaining even more control over how fast I move while simultaneously trying to somehow increase my speed because I have reached terminal velocity and unfortunately that is nowhere near where I want to be in my second life. I will go faster and I will be better at it.