User:Kitty Tandino

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Revision as of 13:39, 17 October 2007 by Kitty Tandino (talk | contribs)
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"""""We try and fail.. so say others but we only fail when we stop trying"""""

I've been a Builder / Business Mgr / Mentor / and DJ and much more

I've been a Member of Second Life since April 7th 2006

for more information please IM me

My MSN: Kitty's MSN


Second Life Mentor
Second Life Mentor Buddy
Second Life Mentor Scribe
Second Life Mentor Coach
Second Life Seeder
Linden Lab Approved Builder


What an honor!

New Mentors Orientation: Date: Monday 15th 2007 Time: 8pm SLT Log: Kitty Tandino's Speach to New Mentors


Hello everyone. Welcome to your Orientation, it's a big honor to speak to you all this Evening.

I was asked to give a speech on what Mentoring is to me. We don't have that many days to cover this. hehe so let me make it short and sweet.

So... What do you do as a Mentor?

As a Second Life mentor you work closely with fellow mentors and our V-Team (Lindens), people that like you, want to give something to the community. You can mentor in many different ways, and there will always be need for you somewhere, when you have the urge to help. You can greet new residents and make sure they get a good start on their Second Life. There is often issues raised in the mentor group that requires assistance from bright minds. You give your time and your expertise to the community in anyway you can. Sometimes, even just a kind word is all our new residents or fellow Mentors need to hear.. like "Good job!, You are trying your best.. don't give up!, you are a fast learner, no question is stupid... just the ones not asked... etc"

and you will see how a kind word given to someone you've never met before could change their day :)

The information Folder you all have is more like our bible. Read through it- Learn it but know that you are not alone. Well I dont want to take up all of your time, I will now invite anyone who would like to friend me and spend time with me on an Orientation island or while I Mentor to see how I do things. Please do so at this point.

The are many other Mentor Buddys To find them, open your Mentor group> click on the tab that reads "Members and Roles" then click on tab that reads "Roles" and click on the "Buddy" role. It will give you a list of all your Buddys. Do the same if you are looking for a coach, Linguist etc.. this is a good way to keep the Mentor channel clear from a lot of spam. :D "You can also look on our Wiki"

Added note: When addressing our Group, it would help with keeping the channel clear of a lot of chatter by speaking our question like Our V-team has asked us to- Example: Hello, I am on Orientation island "give number here" I am with (give name of Member here) they need help with (give the issue here) and I don't have the answer. can someone that can help please IM this Person. Thank you for your time.. no need to respond here. if someone would like to talk to me in regards to this please IM me in Private. <=kinda long but you get the idea:D!

If any of you have questions, you are welcome to ask them now. To make sure that we don't flood chat and I get to as many questions as I can in a short time, please type "?" in chat and i will respond to each.

>>¯\(º_o)/¯<< Team Work: A cooperative effort by a group or team. Being able to work on my own and still knowing that I am backed by many other people, that have the same love for helping others like I do is a very good feeling.

There many things in place to help us help others: <-here you will find alot of goodies :D! Kitty Tandino Mentor Card800600.jpg