User:Christo Larsen

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Revision as of 13:53, 23 August 2007 by Christo Larsen (talk | contribs)
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Christo Larsen was born in Second Life on December 1st 2006. During his initial phase of disorientation and aimless hopping around sims, he soon discovered Fire Island and quickly adapted it as his home-sim.

He is currently living on Fire Island as a permanent resident. You will find his house at No. 2 Vito Desoto Drive at the southern coast of the island.

Christo loves to take pictures, both goofy snap-shots and beautiful photographs and therefore cannot wait for the re-launch of the WindLight feature. He also enjoys the company of his good friends (Gellan Glenelg, Brendon Curtiz, Xavier Irwin Upo Choche and Jamie Ondenko, just to name a few of them....), helping newbies getting started in SL and serving his famous home-made cookies to his guests.

He also did some script-writing for the ACT UP! Live Theater Group as co-author of LITTLE INDIAN, which premiered at SL Gay Pride Festival 2007. His script-writing companion, inspiration and favourite goof-around-buddy is Upo Choche, artistic director of ACT UP!.