User:McPhenius Swain

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McPhenius Swain

One of the biggest questions I have been asked is "where did you come up with that name?" Quite a few years ago, there was a Pepsi commercial on during a Superbowl. It involved a baby who was in the nursery at a hospital and the nurses were cooing over him. Oh, did I mention the nurses were all supermodels? But one of them was holding a can of Pepsi and that is all the baby was watching. I can't recall what I heard when I saw it, but it sounded like they said "Baby Phenius." From there I started using McPhenius and it kind of stuck over the years.

I entered Second Life on December 1, 2006 after hearing a couple people at work talk about it. Like many, I became immediately addicted and truly enjoyed the experience of what Second Life offered. Within a couple of months, I started working for builder/architect Bill Stirling managing his properties as well as his latest build, the SS Galaxy. A cruise ship that spans 3 entire sims and has all the amenities of a RL cruise ship.

I also was accepted into the Mentor program and began to Mentor and soon found a new love in Second Life. Helping others! From there I went on to become a Mentor Buddy and Mentor Coach.