How can I attach a landmark or inventory item to a notecard?

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Did you know you can attach nearly any type of inventory item to a notecard? Attached images and landmarks can make a fabulous addition to informational notecards, and notecards-within-notecards can provide you with some interesting options for organizing your text.

To attach an inventory item to your notecard:

  1. Open a notecard you own or create a new notecard.
  2. Make sure the item you wish to attach is fully permissive. The next owner permissions must allow copy, modify, and transfer.
  3. Drag the item from your Inventory window onto the notecard window. You can drop in any kind of inventory item, excluding calling cards.
  4. The item appears as a hyperlink in the notecard. You've done it!

Video Quick Tip


If Second Life does not allow you to drop the item into your notecard, make sure to check the permissions on the object. If applicable, also check the permissions on any inventory items contained inside the object. A notecard will only accept fully permissive attachments, so it is not a good idea to attach anything you do not want other people to copy.