User:Aaron Kukulcan
Revision as of 06:19, 4 January 2008 by Aaron Kukulcan (talk | contribs) (→Picks: updated Hyles info slightly)
Aaron Kukulcan is a Second Life resident. Elsewhere on the Web, he goes by Aaron of Mineapolis, Aaron of Mpls, Aaron_of_Mpls, or AaronOfMpls.
SL Profile
2nd Life
Name: Aaron Kukulcan
Born: 2/17/2006
Account: Resident, Payment Info Used
Partner: --
About me:
a.k.a. Aaron of Minneapolis a.k.a. Aaron of Mpls / Aaron_of_Mpls / AaronOfMpls Location: Minneapolis - St. Paul area, Minnesota, USA Likes: Reading, science, history, math, maps & roads, loincloths, evolution, Star Trek, Isaac Asimov. Dislikes: Griefers, lag, intolerance, religious fundamentalism. Website: (Use the "Web" tab above.) Misc: I created my SL account in 2006, but didn't have a computer that could run SL until May 2007. Quote: "But it's got SPAM in it!"
I Want To: Build, Explore, Meet
Skills: Modeling, Architecture
Languages: English
- * NCI Kuula New Citizens Incorporated🖈: A place and group for newbies to learn more about SL and for veterans to assist newbies.
- Cherrys Designs/Cherrys Skin Designs/Exclusive Designs🖈: Among other things, they have great muscular skins that won't overwrite your face. They have free demo versions of the skins too (you pay L$1; it immediately gives that L$1 back), so you can try before you buy.
- Gene Jacobs's designs, PINK ROSE MALL, Pink Rose Island🖈: Gene Jacobs has apparently left SL, but his creations are still available here. My avatar wears his "Rough Cut" hair (dark blond color).
- Hexed (formerly Escape)🖈: Hand drawn clothing, boots, gadgets and more! Home of the Aura Combat System. (Or will be again, once they're done overhauling it.)
- Hyles Swamp Infohub by Kim Anubis & Friends🖈: Get Linden info, fish for free, launch your boat, or just kick back on the porch and listen to the frogs. My current home location (though I'm rarely there any more).
- Papa's Spades room and shop🖈: Run by an old spades buddy of mine from There.
- Star Trek Museum complex🖈: Star Trek Museums of Science and Culture - Vulcan, Klingon, Starships, Holodeck, Sickbay, Special Exhibits, Contests
1st Life
Name: Aaron Location: Minneapolis - St. Paul area, Minnesota, USA Born: November 1982 RL pic taken: August 2006 Elsewhere online, I'm known as: o Aaron of Minneapolis o Aaron of Mpls o Aaron_of_Mpls (Yahoo, LiveJournal, 8DS, others) o AaronOfMpls I'm currently taking Architectural Drafting classes at a local tech. college.