User:Jaszon Maynard

From Second Life Wiki
Revision as of 09:42, 28 February 2008 by Jaszon Maynard (talk | contribs) (editing)
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About me

I think Second Life is the coolest "game" ever, and I'm motivated to do some things to help it thrive. Like create documentation for it, especially for newbies.

I'm a bit smart about editing in wikis, but I'm FAR from an expert.

In the real world I live in the USA and I am a programmer, as well as an actor, improv comedian, artist (fine arts & computer 3D modelling & texturing), and martial artist. Other interests--paintball, dancing, videogames, art, sci-fi, hiking, pool, board games, pow-wows, Renfests, & credit card theft

If you've got a question for me, you can update my user discussion should notify me when you change it:
or just email me via the wiki.