User:Andrea Rokocoko

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Revision as of 01:28, 20 February 2008 by Andrea Rokocoko (talk | contribs)
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This is Andrea Rokocoko

About me

Hi to all this is me Andrea Rokocoko If you need me you can find me on SL i am ready you can send to me a notecard anytime ^_^ I was born to SL on 8/1/2007. It took me some hour to make friends and learn to use SL . One day i have see one mentor and he have put me the dream to become a mentor and on February 7th 2008, I was accepted to become an apprentice Mentor WOOT !!

What you can do in SL?

Well you can hear lots of live music for example and chat with the artists between the songs and ask what you want ! Maybe is not the same of RL but is anyway good ! And nice alternative for who can go to concert in RL. Also you can find picture ! meet other people from different states and learn how they live ! Build things SL is the biggest and easy wordl to use !

Ah thx for all my friend and no and to who have support me until this time !

See you in wordl !!

Andrea Rokocoko ^_^

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