User:Tree Kyomoon
My name is [Tree Kyomoon] in SL and Ryan Cameron in RL and I work for [Jeffrey Gitomer] in E-Learning. With Jeffrey's company I have been able to develop some of the best e-learning available today for thousands of employees at Apple, Ferguson, Siemens, Liberty Mutual, Principal Financial Group, Catapillar world wide(in multiple languages) and many other distinguished companies.
Along with various very talented teams, I have developed 3 Learning Management System front ends in Flash actionscript featuring a full user login/content browsing interface as well as WSIWYG content editors and content upload/management software. I specialize in connecting flash to databases via XML using components I build myself.
I have been involved in computer based training for about 12 years. My earliest product was the [Autoplayer software] which was built in Authorware.
I also developed CD ROMS for Encore Software called "Little Golden Books" entirely in Flash.
I currently volunteer for the [Haberman Educational Foundation], using my skills and experience to help them find the best possible teachers and principals for kids in urban school districts.
In second life I contribute to the Grid Architecture Working Group, attended SL Views recently and contribute to various in world groups and interests, including SL Humanists.
I play guitar and enjoy rare books and antiques, and if I could have a double life, I would be a physicist or in the nano technology field.
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