Moving your avatar

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There are three ways to walk your avatar with the keyboard:

  1. Use the arrow keys.
    Kb Keyborad arrow keys.png
  2. W A S D keys - Inworld must have focus, meaning the chat bar is closed or you clicked inworld. Otherwise, these keys will type in the chat bar.
  3. Numeric keypad - Not all keyboards have this.

Always run

To always run when you move, choose World > Always Run.

Kb alwaysrun screenshot.png

Double-tap run

KBwarning.png Warning: This is a "power user" feature we don't support.

If you don't want to always run, you can make your avatar walk or run with use of your arrow keys. Double-tap and hold the up arrow key to run forward. Tap and hold the up arrow key again to walk. This feature gives a more realistic appearance to avatar movement.

To enable double-tap run:

  1. Open the unsupported Advanced menu.
  2. Enable Advanced > Character > Tap-Tap-Hold To Run.
    Kb Tap-tap-Hold To Run.png