Commerce Office Hours
Office Hours have begun for Merchants and Shoppers using XStreet SL and the new Commerce forums. Join the conversations inworld, or in the forums, or on Twitter.
The first topic of discussion is the new Listing Guidelines.
Meeting Transcripts: Commerce Office Hours/2009-09-09 : Commerce Office Hours/2009-09-11 : Commerce Office Hours/2009-09-12
The Second topic of discussion is Freebies, Demos, and Promo offerings on XStreet.
Meeting Transcript: Commerce Office Hours/2009-10-14 09:00 : Commerce Office Hours/2009-10-14 16:00 : Commerce Office Hours/2009-10-14 21:00
The Third topic of discussion is Adult content on XStreet.
Meeting Transcript: Commerce Office Hours/2009-11-17 10:00 : Commerce Office Hours/2009-11-17 16:00 : Commerce Office Hours/2009-11-17 20:00
A summary and analysis of the Commerce Office Hours is available here.