Linden Lab Official talk:Abandoned Land FAQ

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Revision as of 09:50, 21 December 2009 by Torley Linden (talk | contribs)
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Help Island

I'm just translating this article in CT-542 and stumbled upon an oddity... The chapter "Can I trigger an auction for this land that looks abandoned?" suggests: "Residents with a Basic account should go to Help Island and talk to someone there.".
First: This should be "Help Island Public" and have a SLurl. But more importantly, second: What are regular Residents at HIP supposed to tell? I think this is a bad advice since they might redirect back to the Knowledge Base or tell them to file a ticket... The KB should contain the info that otherwise Residents would give at HIP.
Sent this via the contact form. --Zai signature.png (talk|contribs) 00:44, 14 December 2009 (UTC)

And a second remark: The article states that " can submit a support ticket detailing the location of the land including the region name and grid location...". When you're talking about "grid location", are you meaning the location within the SL Grid? Like "You're located in 238484.2, 244893.1, 27.2 in Hippotropolis located at ("? If so, the Resident would need advice on how to retrieve that information. Like "Help > About Second Life" and then c/p it from there. But generally, I think that a SLurl should be enough for the Support Team. Is the grid location really important?. --Zai signature.png (talk|contribs) 00:57, 14 December 2009 (UTC)

I'm investigating both of these today. My followup comments coming soon. Thanks Zai! - Torley-favicon.png on 2009-12-21 @ 8:50 AM Pacific