User:Irene Muni
Revision as of 07:53, 31 May 2008 by Irene Muni (talk | contribs) (Saving Draft - Guardando borrador)
(This is a English summarized version of my User Page. You can see complete that page in the Spanish version)
About Irene Muni
- Owner of the SL Group with the same name, and their lands. Web and forum: Aventura y Viajes.
- Activities, active tourism, destinations, travel...
- Anything relating to the world of Travelers and Explorers in SL.
- Second Life Mentor (see the roles at the end of the page).
- Languages: Spanish and English. I can understand -with difficulties- the Italian language.
- Irene Muni live in SL from 7.1.07. But a previous avatar is in SL from 6.1.05.
- In RL I'm from Spain.
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- Web resources for Volunteers and other Residents:
- Extensive documentation in Spanish: Wiki de Guías en Español about Second Life.
- Resources for Volunteers, especially Spanish-speaking Volunterres at this web page.
- Forum in Spanish language about Volunteering in Second Life: here.
Buddy Shadowing in Spanish
See my the User Page in Spanish, please.