User:Nyx Linden/Office Hours Agenda Archive

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Archived Agenda notes for Nyx Linden

January 27,2010

  1. Office hour cancelled. Will resume February 03, 2010.

January 20, 2010

  1. YAY! Bear?!
  2. How are multi level avatar textures coming together? When we can start using them? Is there going to be other special textures available beyond invisiprim replacement? Shininess map? Bumpmaps?
  3. Any official information about mesh imports? When we get them? How mesh LODs are handled?
  4. When we get official shadow support?
  5. [2010/01/19 10:34] Pae Sinister(Saved Tue Jan 19 08:53:53 2010) pokes the JIRA skunkie, and wonders if there's an article or proposal out there to support scripted changing of textures and tints on the SL avatar. --- I looked and didn't find one. Is such adjustment a likely feature? --- Ardy Lay
  6. What kind of extensions might make the Plugin-API model suitable for avatar support?
  7. All body parts currently have clothing associated with them, with the sole exception of the face. It would we useful to add the missing part, for masks etc. Any problems with this?

January 13, 2010

  1. What prevents lowering the minimum size limit for avatars? Residents have been calling for this since day 1, so my recent Jira on "it's time for an end to tiny folding" is just the latest in a long line of requests. What's so hard about changing one number?
  2. M took a leaf out of Philip's book recently and blogged a "vision", focusing mainly on better quality visuals. To that end, I suggest the following core enhancement for avatars, which would also happen to reduce the load server-side: "new Hair prim type". This could quite easily reduce most hair objects to a single prim or at most a few, it would improve appearance immensely because hair would consist of filaments instead of blocky prims, and the download requirement would be miniscule compared to large numbers of prims. How does this kind of avatar enhancement grab you? Any further suggestions to improve on it?
  3. -- Avatar attachments are visible in mouselook when viewed through the water plane

January 06, 2010

  1. Linden Bear!
  2. will there be alpha maps for avatars to make bodyparts transparent ?
  3. on slcc we saw multiple html mediastreams. will that come with client v2 ?
  4. i would like to have building features to arange prims in arrays
  5. also i would like to have new prim types like hexagons or ngons
  6. will (and when) sim-custom windlight-settings come ? (like green sky or such) (VWR-7677, 427 votes)
  7. 'inspect' helps content creators find illegal copies of their work.. i need something as animation creator
  8. alpha sorting bug
  9. bigger size prims

December 30,2009

  1. Nyx amazes and confuses us with announcements. Ardy Lay
  2. Nyx wows us with discussion of plans to enable integration with industry 3D content creation tools. JB Hancroft
  3. Nyx wonders why Xugu is bringing in scripting changes ( ), before realising they're actually also heavily client-side... okay, stretching here... Xugu Madison.
  4. Philip wrote an inspirational blog post a couple of days ago, envisaging an SL way beyond the current one. What internal projects could you create or promote personally to make that vision happen?
  5. Is the joint haunted?

December 23, 2009

  1. Canceled due to holidays

December 16, 2009

  1. Client-side AOs (Emerald style), especially given memory limits, desire to move away from LSL2 VM and rez-delay with Mono scripts
  2. Please identify Reset Linden, so that we can ridicule him/her more effectively. ;P Alternatively, please discuss how one might get this specific design principle into Linden UI devs' minds: "Don't add unnecessary camera resets or movements just because you feel like it, unless accompanied by a checkbox." For those who know how to control their camera and don't want it overridden, the "free" resets and unsolicited movements are highly annoying. The problem has been going on for years and is spread out all over the code. A Jira on a UI design principle would not be effective.
  3. From AW Groupies, about Tillie's addition of an EXIF block to snapshots: "Sounds like a topic for Nyx's OH then --- how can Tillie compute an equivalent zoom length for EXIF from viewer frustum parameters?"
  4. Where did Xugu's face go?
  5. A top Linden dev recently stated publicly:
  • "the shadow pipeline is pretty much completely different in 2.0 onward. Most 1.23 bug reports won't be helpful"
  • "We'll probably have a lot of those shadow issues against the old engine actually - what's the best way to handle that?"
So, there's a new rendering engine in Viewer2.0 and it's acknowledged that a lot of bug reports and patches for the current engine will be effectively obsoleted. That would be a good tradeoff if it means that the bad old coupling between rendering and networking in the old engine is removed. Is it removed?

December 9, 2009

  1. Client-side content creation tools ala
  2. Whats the status on that busy mode object handling?
  3. How about a client way to toggle the ~200 meter fly restriction

December 2, 2009

  1. The downloadable reference avatars doesn't match the inworld test character
  2. Please help with a multi-linkset rotation coordination problem by supporting the improvement of LSL rotation functions
  3. Enough is enough! When are you going to overhaul the horrid avatar mesh? :-))

November 25, 2009

  2. Tutorial help: (This assumes there are no docs --- if there are, just point me to them instead :P) If I wanted to begin to understand the rendering system in the viewer, where should I start, what are the main subsystems that come into play, and what's a good way of beginning to poke at the rendering engine with learning-type changes? (Eg. adding instrumentation.)

November 18, 2009

  1. Possibility of layered texture system on prims, similar to that of layered clothing to allow decal customisation of prims, and sculpted prims and allow animated testure effects on a layered Basis. (Yes i know baking the stuff onto the texture would work but people have been asking)
  2. Status on Avatar alpha masking, hows it going?
  3. Prim Alpha masking, any developments?
  4. One Linden has said publicly (my wording) "The lack of a usable whiteboard facility is widely recognized as a barrier to cooperation in SL". (i) Do you (Nyx/Papi) agree with this? (ii) Can you help remedy it by proposing some highly interactive building block?
  5. Texture Animations possibly bugged in viewer - might be server -
  6. Is there progress on VWR-14463 Avatar clothing change invisible to all inworld, but visible to me. - It's very annoying/embarassing when others see something different from you and even a snapshot is not showing what others see.

November 11, 2009

  1. Office hours cancelled. Regular office hours resume on the 18th

November 4, 2009

  1. Thoughts on fully skinnable UI, not just color theme, but placement, size of controls. Dynamic loading of XUI, etc.
  2. Region Windlight settings - possible?
  3. [1] - - 3 frames repeating - status?
  4. Can PSYS_PART_MID_COLOR, PSYS_PART_MID_SCALE, and PSYS_PART_MID_ALPHA be added to the particle system?
  5. Can we get an llTextBox implementation in the standard viewer?
  6. Scripted text chat lags entire UI.
  7. Can you make yourself a bear? Or can we make one for you?

October 28, 2009

  1. Attachment positions on opposing limbs are not equal
  2. Any progress on Text on a Prim Face?
  3. Windlight is Wonderful
  4. Meshes & Media Works
  5. Particle Pleasures
  6. Ideas for Avatar 2.0
  7. Which parts of the current graphics system could you refactor into plugins?

October 21, 2009

  1. The proposed ban on encryption.
  2. Technical details on registering third party client.
  3. Technical details on how to properly resister a own use client. ie:create and use one own patches without violating the ToS.
  4. Request to Nyx/BigPapi, as tech Lindens, to represent the case to the technically unaware Lindens who are making policy that the contributions of the open source community will disappear if LL erects barriers to open source development.
  5. Question about VWR-12906 : avatar part disappear under certain circonstances -> workaround ?
  6. is there a way to take action against people like the person distributing "neillife" which enables breaking TOS and is in violation with the GPL?

October 14, 2009

  1. Any chance EVER for Emerald's 'bouncy boobs' mod to get into official SL client?
  2. Status on

October 7, 2009

  1. Announcements from the Lindens.
  2. Render pools, what are they and how can we optimize their use?
  3. Texture atlasing, how is it good for residents in general and how can creators best use it?
  4. your topic here!
  5. Free/unasked-for camera movements. Do we HAVE to suffer them, forever?

September 30, 2009

  1. What changes should be made to office hours to make them constructive again and so that all parties are able to show respect for others?
  2. Render pools, what are they and how can we optimize their use?
  3. Texture atlasing, how is it good for residents in general and how can creators best use it?\
  4. Simple Text on a Prim Face - We Beggeth Thee

September 23, 2009

  1. status of fix for bug reported in VWR-12604 (9 votes) link
  2. status of fix for bug reported in VWR-12230 (13 votes) link
  3. was the animation bug that distorts attachments (reportedly a bug in the lead out) looked and, and was anything found, if yes?
  4. there are reports of ppl experienceing ghost prims after the 1.30 sim roll, any info on that?
  5. alpha mask avatar/prim, any news? (sorry, gotta ask)
  6. With third party viewers getting popular, emerald has about 30-40 percent concurrent usage. Is there any concern about third party viewers taking over the main viewer usage wise that may have possible bad network traffic due to un-supported features?
  7. Looking at the texture console in Snowglobe I see a column labled Area that often has a zero in it for a texture (face) I can certainly see and am wondering if this area calculation is part of the image loading problems Snowglobe is having.
  8. Currently for sculpties, the Texture-alpha sorting for the whole model is static. That means top-right renders first(in front of all); bottom-left last. Is it possible for polygon based alpha-sorting, making complex grass and tree foliage look better?

September 16, 2009

  1. just to get it out of the way, when can we have avatar alpha mask?
  2. Can we have the sim crashme back, and or is there a reason its no longer on the grid, and if so, where can we go to stress test the sim code?
  3. Any morsels of information regarding Region/Estate windlight? / What current features are being actively discussed with plans for implementation?
  4. Modularization: All Lindens who have expressed an opinion about this have agreed that the viewer would benefit from greater modularization. (i) Do you agree with this too? (ii) Is increasing modularity a general goal in LL, or does it require a special project? (iii) Are you currently working on this, or asking for dev time to do so? (iv) Do you have any personal ideas on how graphics could be modularized that you could promote in LL?
  5. Text on a prim face - We Need It! :(
  6. Is there going to be crop on textures?
  7. Improvements to the particle system.

September 9, 2009

  1. VWR-6116 , VWR-13110 , DEV-32001
  2. How far is LL with opening of SL, the offline sims for residents and teleporting to opensim? (from Youri Ashton)
  3. xstorm's weird ghosting prim problem
  4. This is an addition to Youri's question, and is specific to the Linden graphics specialists at this Office Hour. When residents of other grids eventually TP into SL, this will require that their avatar representations in SL reflect their assets used back in the home grid, or there will be no continuity of visuals. Are you thinking of ways in which your avatar handling in the viewer can accomodate non-SL avatars arriving from other worlds? (You can answer "No" to dismiss the question in one word, but I'm hoping for an answer that shows more foresight, and that identifies some ideas you're considering.) [This question is not about OGP, but about the viewer avatar designers' forward thinking.]
  5. Status on VWR-3783

September 2, 1009

  1. VWR-6713: Allow Alpha Channel of Textures to be used as a 1-bit Mask (Alpha Masking)
  2. Animation bug that distorts attachments (reportedly a bug in the lead out)
  3. any news on mechanisms for security that can prevent rouge 3rd party clients from cleaning out our linden balance, or buying more linden via credit card
  4. Megaprim support
  5. When avatar masking will be released?
  6. Mesh Import - when we get it? Can you mesh avatars?
  7. Avatar 2.0? - Updated avatar mesh, if not replacement or additional meshes, then maybe 'small' fixes that should improve the look a bit? Fixes for pointy collarbones, indent right above the knee, small peak on nose and chin (you see it from the side), wrists
  8. Content creation: better tools for editing prims: mirror, rotate, ...
  9. Prim edit dialog: texture picker extremely slow, move the 'default texture' to the texture tab?
  10. Deadline for more clothing layers?
  11. Animated textures on body?
  12. VWR-15114 - fix local lights throttle for graphics cards that don't need it.
  13. How far is LL with opening of SL, the offline sims for residents and teleporting to opensim?
  14. Raise number of local lights?
  15. For the 9th MISC-3309 This was mentioned near the end of the office hour. BigPapi Linden agreed this needs to be as soon as possible.
  16. Nyx suggested on Tues 1 Sept that a Jira for LL viewer crashes occurring in OSgrid would be useful. Questions: (i) Would such Jiras actually be examined, or rejected at Bug Triage as being non-SL? (ii) Will you try to repro in OSgrid? --- if not, there's not much point. (iii) Would any relevant fixes get merged into mainline, or rejected if they cannot affect users in SL?
  17. How far is LL with opening of SL, the offline sims for residents and teleporting to opensim? (from Youri Ashton)

August 26, 2009

  1. Efficient content: what is it, how is it created, and how can we best share tips for making it?
  2. How to measure content complexity / load of content
  3. when avatar masking will be released
  4. What in the pipeline that due to be disclosed/relised in the next few months.
  5. How do we get more people to use full bright glow?

August 19, 2009

  1. Update on status of mesh importing into SL, after demo at SLCC
  2. Official deformation support -- any new word? VWR-2374
  3. 3D Skyboxes for private estates. SVC-4118
  4. Megaprim support
  5. Possibility of providing a second, owner-only space (alternative reality/mirror universe) along with each in-world space, for storing server prims (XStreetSL boxes) etc. - Xugu Madison to explain what he's babbling about.
  6. Integration of client with revision control systems (Subversion?) for scripts?
  7. Rendering text on prims SVC-4715
  8. First frame of animation (still) playing too long. VWR-3783
  9. Modify animation priority, ease, etc, after uploaded. VWR-14703
  10. Right/down arrows when editing HUD don't work. VWR-5518
  11. llTeleportAgent() SVC-212
  12. AOs and other means of overriding animations. VWR-386
  13. General Texture Questions

August 12, 2009

  1. The "Reference" selection in the Ruler dropdown in edit seems to be highly contingent on a number of factors including linked set issues, Edit Linked prims, whether one is in the Position, Stretch or Rotate mode, etc. But even when dealing with a single prim, often the drop down does not work, without deselecting and reselecting the prim several times. CTRL G is equally inconsistent to make the choice.
  2. Progress of VWR-812, when will it be in an alpha viewer?
  3. Negative lights. Essentially, light sources that would create darkness, rather than light. That would be highly useful, many other games have that.
  4. Inventory improvements, like searches for dubs, creators, descriptions, etc. API for plug-in to do even more.
  5. Sim persistent windlight settings.

August 5, 2009

  1. Avatar - bugs or 'by design' ? Deformed avatar Break in avatar body creating strange "joint" Ellla McMahon 18:01, 4 August 2009 (UTC)
  2. Client plugins via gridproxy. Would it be possible to register external event handlers with the client so gridproxy isn't needed? What kind of events would be available? Security? Etc. Saijanai 17:50, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
  3. camera bugs; VEHICLE_FLAG_DECOUPLED_CAMERA fails on nonphysical objects it seems
  4. The "Reference" selection in the Ruler dropdown in edit seems to be highly contingent on a number of factors including linked set issues, Edit Linked prims, whether one is in the Position, Stretch or Rotate mode, etc. But even when dealing with a single prim, often the drop down does not work, without deselecting and reselecting the prim several times. CTRL G is equally inconsistent to make the choice.
  5. Implement ability to turn the avatar to face a given position

July 29, 2009

  1. more facial animation options
  2. megaprims
  3. Flexiprim improvements
  4. Animation Replacement vs. Animation Overides.
  5. textures not loading from inventory in snowglobe and 1.23
  6. Improved sim terrian detail and/or terrian painting at a simplified level.
  7. Request any update on Region/Estate Windlight sky/water manipulation.
  8. Fixing mini-map and client side avatar list/scanner. VWR-6484
  9. Attachment improvements. ( VWR-489 and )

July 22, 2009

  1. Feedback on process for managing discussion topics
  2. Snapshot issues: (META entry, collecting most bugs)
  3. Hot permission issues: and
  4. Improve avatar skirt mesh
  5. Antique jira entries, but worth undusting - user created Linden Plants: and
  6. Windlight water on a prim (Materials)
  7. Customizable Key-bindings for Viewer functions (to increase functionality and Accessibility).
  8. 1.23 vs 1.22
  9. [Deferred] more facial animation options
  10. [Deferred] megaprims