Talk:Compiling the viewer (MSVS2005)
Code Edits
I'm not sure casting all the time() calls should be done. It's more code edits, and time_t is still a 64bit typedef, which could cause issues besides just compiling that may be hard to find. I would suggest taking out all those code edits and putting _USE_32BIT_TIME_T preprocessor definition in the needed projects. --Bane Darrow 17:02, 9 January 2007 (PST)
I think ultimately things will migrate to 64bit. I had just built boost when I noticed the 2005 Express was up. And may as well delete the page I was maintaining through a link on the Common_compilation_problems section, since it is much the same, and I hadn't resolved the linker errors of boost & mozilla. Also, with the #pragma warning(disable : 4996) lines, ";_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" is not needed. And perhaps the std::hash_multimap to stdext::hash_multimap namespace change should be managed by a #if (_MSC_VER >= 1400) too. -- Paula Innis 19:11, 9 January 2007 (PST)
I don't think it's necessary to compile Boost and Boost-Regex yourself, you can download everything you need with a nice installer available here: and just drop the regex library in the appropriate directory. --Eddy Stryker 00:55, 10 January 2007 (PST)
bison insists on outputting a .hpp file rather than a .h file, I added the following line at the end of the custom build command for indra.y
"@IF EXIST ytab.hpp copy ytab.hpp ytab.h /Y >NUL"
The custom build step uses "C:\cygwin\..." explicitly, which could cause it to fail if it is located elsewhere. If you have cygwin in your PATH, you can erase "C:\cygwin\bin\" portion of each command. Dzonatas Sol 15:03, 11 January 2007 (PST)
Can someone please point us to where we can find the "custom build command" that needs to be edited? Synthalor Mandelbrot 12:36, 19 January 2007 (PST)
O, silly me! Right click on indra.y and click on "Properties." The Command Line field needs to be changed in "General" under "Custom Build" on the indra.y Property Page that will come up. Synthalor Mandelbrot 11:24, 3 February 2007 (PST)
Need a place to find a compatible unistd.h and such headers if one doesn't already have them. (non-gcc specific) The Express version doesn't include these. Dzonatas Sol 15:36, 11 January 2007 (PST)
- Looks like an empty libraries/include/unistd.h will work fine to get around this. Dzonatas Sol 19:30, 11 January 2007 (PST)
Compile error on APR headers
For some reason it compiled everything except files that used llapr.h because it said it couldn't find some apr-1 header files. I did a quick hack and copied the apr-1 headers from libraries/i686-win32/include/apr-1 to libraries/include/apr-1 and it compiled fine. The only thing I have noticed different so far is an extra backslash at the end of the Additional Includes under project properties. Dzonatas Sol 13:55, 11 January 2007 (PST)
Disable llMozLib for Windows?
Where are the instructions for adding in llMozLib for windows? Does anyone know how to add this feature in?