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Revision as of 08:52, 24 June 2007 by Dondiego Beaumont (talk | contribs) (We are fed up with attacks from war games.)
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We have bought a sim Schilli, not knowing what was above our head. The neighbours Psychwar play a wargame and constantly we are hit by their bombs, rockets, firebombs, bullets and planes. We have banned them but the stuff still lands on our land after they are ejected from their planes. When we try to negotiate we are shot. Buyers are scared off and we have to clean the mess every day which is time consuming Complaints to Linden, 10 by now, doesn´t do anything. We are really fed up with this situation. We thought that Second Life was a peaceful world and not some semi RL or Iraq. Because Linden is not acting we shall decide to go to the RL press and make a fuzz in the real world if nothing is done within a week from now. War does not belong into this world as does children abuse. We are here to have fun and not cleaning up warwrecks all the time.