User:Waya Sion

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Revision as of 13:47, 14 August 2008 by Waya Sion (talk | contribs) (My Intro)
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Greetings and salutations to everyone looking at my Wiki page.

I've been in the Volunteer Mentor program since July 16, 2008.

What is a mentor? I think there is some variance as to what differant people percieve as to what a mentor is, not just on Second Life but anywhere. I think what is more important in this case is for what I percieve what a mentor is.

To me a Mentor is someone who's been around that others look up to for guidance, influence, help, or anything that the Mentor is capable of providing. I percieve a mentor as being a mostly informal roll, requiring no real training and just basically someone who doesn't mind helping where s/he can if asked.

I do not believe being in any special "Mentor" group makes anyone a Mentor. Put simply, if your going to help, your going to help reguardless what group(s) your in ;)

My Rolls: Currently i'm a Mentor, Mentor Buddy, and also an Apprentice Buddy.

As a Mentor, I mostly bounce around the 2 Help Island Public's (often refered to as HIP and HIP2), a couple Welcome Area's, and just to stay within the flow I like to do the Help Island starting points at least once a week. I consider msyelf one of the more technical mentors, and i love getting a diversity of questions. I am generally skilled with PC hardware, some LSL scripting, I know many of the building tricks (without building professionally), and i'm resourcefull for finding way's around some of the odder issues I come across.

As a Mentor Buddy, I do what I can to assist other mentor's from time to time, either in IM or on ocasion going to where they are. Exactly what I get myself into does vary at times, it can be anything from trying to calm a situation before nerve's reach a limit and people explode, or seeing first hand at whats up to figure a way to corret it without further escelation.

As an Apprentice Buddy i help new mentors in the program get started. I will provide them with a shadowing experiance so they get to see first-hand how we make a differance, and are encouraged to help out where they can durring the shadowing experiance.

In the future I also plan on signing up as a "Coach" and as such i'll start with classes for other mentors, but plan on expanding to have classes for the general public. This move is still TBA, i'm still getting my feet wet as an Apprentice Buddy.

Going to the technical side of things, I have come up with a fix-all solutions: This solution is great if you have someone who's changed various things in "Debug", experiancing oddities after upgrading their Second Life client, or run into Inventory problems where the common solutions don't alway's work. I have updated this solution over time to include more possible issues that may arrise, and anyone can try it if they are having odd client-side issues!

Waya Sion's Fix-All Solution!

This fix will correct -most- (not all) problems involving inventory loss, -bouncy- cam positioning, and other unexplained occurences that happen client-side in Second-Life. (These files aren't alway's deleted during a reinstall.) These steps will have to be done while you are logged off from SL: if you need to, select/copy the contents of this notecard and paste it in a text-editor of your choice outside of Second Life.


  • 1. Left-click and hold down the mouse button (for Macs, just hold down the mouse button) at the beginning of the text and drag the mouse to the end of the text.
  • 2. For Windows, press Ctrl-C to copy the text. For Macs, press Apple-C.
  • 3. Go to where the material will be pasted. For Windows press Ctrl-V to paste. For Macs, press Apple-S.



The file structure for what we are looking for, unusually enough, is very similar on both Window's and MAC platforms, so this fix is universal to both.

  • XP: go to start, run, and paste in (including quotes) "%userprofile%\Application Data\SecondLife\"
  • Vista: Start - Search and paste in: %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\
  • MAC: browse to (users home directory will vary) : [users home directory] > Library > Application Support > Second Life.

Navigate into the "user_settings" folder. Delete the file settings.xml (and/or settings_releasecandidate.xml if your using the RC client) Note: open-source clients "settings" file may have a differant name!

If the issue appears to be account-specific (IE Inventory loss or other problems affecting justone account, or if it's your only account so nothing's over-looked):

  • Back out of the "user_settings" folder (so your back in just the SecondLife folder)
  • Go into the folder with the AV/Charactor Name (ie: FirstName_LastName).
  • find and delete the following files (minus quotes):
  • "filters.xml", "settings.xml" and "settings_per_account.xml"

these files will be re-created when you log back in!

While we are here in this folder, we may as well make sure the cache is COMPLETELY cleared.

Back up one level and delete the "cache" folder.

Log back into SL!

You will notice any custom settings will have to be reconfigured, but if all is well you should be on your way!

(Partial thanks for this solution goes to Orange Planer, before some information he shared with me I would have suggested renaming the "SecondLife" folder: this solution retains more data!)