Land choices

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What land should I buy?

There is no single right answer, and depends on what you want to do. If you're uncertain, there's because there's plenty of room for exploration. Furthermore, what's right for you today may change as your needs grow.

Types of land

  • You can:
  • Bought and rented land can be:
    • Developed - Land has pre-built buildings on it, often for a theme that fits your needs. This includes our Themed Private Regions.
    • Undeveloped - Land is basically blank or raw. Start from scratch to build your vision.
  • Land can also be on:

So for example, you could rent undeveloped land on a private estate.

KBtip2.png Tip: What's the difference between "parcel", "region", and "estate"?

Buying vs. renting

This simple table shows potential benefits of buying land compared to renting land which is a popular comparison Residents wonder about. This is a general overview, so consult specific situations to get accurate details. Keep in mind you can buy and rent land simultaneously, given that all other requirements are met.

Learn more about renting land.

Buying land Renting land
Premium account required? Yes No
Initial parcel payment? Yes, to purchase parcel from another Resident or LL, then land usage fees Often no on private estates, where a token L$0 is "paid" to claim the parcel
Land usage fees Paid monthly to Linden Lab Paid to Resident landlord, usually monthly but varies
Land usage payment currency US$ or another real-world currency; can't be paid in L$ Commonly paid in L$, US$, or another real-world currency
Payment schedule negotiable? No Maybe; ask landlord
Land usage rules
The TOS always applies
Mainland policies Ask landlord; private estate rental is subject to a covenant
Does About Land show you as owner? Yes Yes on private estate; no if renting on mainland
What happens when land is unpaid? Linden Lab sends delinquency notice and your account is suspended Landlord can send warning, or reclaim parcel
Can LL/landlord reclaim your parcel any time they wish? No. Your account must be delinquent for at least several weeks Yes. Not a practical concern if you have a good relationship with your landlord
Land with pre-built buildings in a particular style
Yes, for Linden Homes and Themed Private Regions; also, if the previous owner sells objects with land Yes, many varieties created by Residents
Terraform range Usually +/- 4 m; Linden Homes don't allow terraforming Depends, could be +/- 0 to 100 m

How do I buy/rent land?

These articles explain more: