Second Life Mentor Inventor Convention

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Mentor Inventor Convention


Second Life Mentors have been making creations that support new residents and fellow volunteers for as long as the program has existed. The standpoint of a Second Life Mentor helps to shape tools and projects with a keen understanding of limitations and potential. The Mentor Inventor Convention aims to bring these efforts together in one place and time as not only a showcase but a knowledge sharing program to enhance the Second Life Mentor program. Mentors, show off your inventions!


1. Rules All projects entered into the Mentor Inventor Convention must be made BY Second Life Mentors and FOR Second Life Mentors. Please only enter projects that you are comfortable sharing with others within the group. Based on the criteria below, unless given explicit permission, your build would need to fit on no larger than a 10m by 10m space, and if space requirement is smaller, you might have to share that space with other contributors.

2. Focus Topic: The first Mentor Inventor Convention will focus on a few subjects in particular. To have your creation showcased at the Mentor Inventor Convention, your project should focus on one or more of these Focus Topics:

  • Find and Discover - Tools that help new residents find and discover communities, content, places, or events that match their interests.
  • First Hour - Tools specifically aimed to make the first hour of a resident's experience more stable and/or compelling.
  • Tools for Mentors to Help New Residents - Tools for Second Life Mentors that enhance a Mentor's ability to help new residents.

3. Notecard - To promote growth and understanding of tools, we ask that if your project is showcased that you please provide a notecard with information about your tool; minimally:

  • Project Name
  • Creator - The name of the point person for the project and any creators involved with the project.
  • Focus Topic - Which of the three Focus Topics your project relates to.
  • What is it?! - Summary of what the creation does/how it is used/how it works.
  • Value/Purpose - A brief description of the project's value or purpose, and/or an example of times when the tool would be of great worth to the program.
  • Maintenance Requirements - Description of maintenance requirements for user/creator, if any.


The Mentor Inventor Convention will be unveiled and celebrated between September 22nd and 26th at (SLVEC). Space will be provided for your contributions on (date).

Sign Up


Following the first Mentor Inventor Convention date, VTeam will continue to promote projects from the convention through communication. For fun, each entrant of the program will be given a small commemorative silver wrench to recognize their effort in keeping the gears turning in the Second Life Mentor program. Similarly, a gold, silver, and brass cog will be given to project point persons whose projects have a long term exceptional value to one of the focus topics above. All entrants to the convention will be judged based on certain topics on a metric scale from 1-5 unless requested to opt out. A list of Linden judges will be provided before the convention begins. The cogs do not have an intrinsic value and are meant to be for fun.

Metric 1 2 3 4 5
Long Term Value
Value to Focus Topic
Ease of Use
Open Source/Free Distribution Component (transferability)