Skinning HowTo/XUI Other Widgets
This page describes the XML attributes for the XUI widgets that don't fit into any other category below. These are some of the XML elements and parameters used within the floaters, panels, and so forth, that make up the viewer user interface. They are used by the XUI files in the \skins\default\xui folders. You can find attributes for the other XUI elements at:
- Skinning HowTo/XUI Containers
- Skinning HowTo/XUI Menus
- Skinning HowTo/XUI Buttons, Sliders, and Spinners
- Skinning HowTo/XUI Selection Widgets
- Skinning HowTo/XUI Text Entry Widgets
and you can find more general information at Skinning HowTo/Basics
Many XUI elements share the same parameters. Rather than repeatedly describing them, we just list their names here and describe them at Skinning HowTo/Common XUI XML parameters.
icon parameters
- Class LLIconCtrl : LLUICtrl : LLView
- In source file llui/lliconctrl.cpp
- Used by floater, panel, layout_stack, layout_panel, multi_floater, and widgetset.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <floater bottom="400" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true" can_resize="true" can_tear_off="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="80" left="551" min_height="80" min_width="250" mouse_opaque="true" name="example_icon" tab_stop="false" title="icon" width="250"> <icon bottom="20" color="1 0.5 0 1" enabled="true" height="30" left="10" mouse_opaque="false" name="icon" tab_stop="false" width="223" image_name="icon_day_cycle.tga" /> </floater>
Common parameters
- General: name, mouse_opaque, tool_tip, control_name, enabled, visible, use_bounding_rect, default_tab_group
- Positioning: width, height, left, right, left_delta, bottom, top, bottom_delta, follows, rect_control
- Text: label
- Others: border
Specific parameters
Required. Specifies the name of the image to load for this icon.
String: image_name="myicon.png"
inventory_panel parameters
- Class LLInventoryPanel : LLPanel : LLUICtrl : LLView
- In source file newview/llinventoryview.cpp
- Used by floater, panel, and tab_container.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <floater bottom="400" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true" can_resize="false" can_tear_off="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="300" left="550" min_height="300" min_width="250" mouse_opaque="true" name="example_inventory_panel" tab_stop="false" title="inventory_panel" width="250"> <inventory_panel allow_multi_select="true" border="true" bottom="20" enabled="true" height="250" left="20" mouse_opaque="true" name="inventory_panel" tab_stop="false" width="215" /> </floater>
Common parameters
- General: name, mouse_opaque, tool_tip, control_name, enabled, visible, use_bounding_rect, default_tab_group
- Positioning: width, height, left, right, left_delta, bottom, top, bottom_delta, follows, rect_control
- Text: label
- Others: border
Specific parameters
locate and pad parameters
These are two tags that mean the same thing.
- Class LLUICtrlLocate : LLUICtrl : LLView
- In source file llui/lluictrlfactory.cpp
- Used by floater and panel.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <floater bottom="400" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true" can_resize="true" can_tear_off="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="150" left="550" min_height="150" min_width="250" mouse_opaque="true" name="example_locate" tab_stop="false" title="locate" width="250"> <locate bottom="100" enabled="true" left="20" mouse_opaque="false" name="locate" tab_stop="false" /> <icon color="1 0.5 0 1" enabled="true" height="30" mouse_opaque="false" name="icon" tab_stop="false" width="210" image_name="icon_day_cycle.tga" /> </floater>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <floater bottom="400" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true" can_resize="true" can_tear_off="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="150" left="550" min_height="150" min_width="250" mouse_opaque="true" name="example_pad" tab_stop="false" title="pad" width="250"> <pad bottom="100" enabled="true" left="20" mouse_opaque="false" name="pad" tab_stop="false" /> <icon color="1 0.5 0 1" enabled="true" height="30" mouse_opaque="false" name="icon" tab_stop="false" width="210" image_name="icon_day_cycle.tga" /> </floater>
Common parameters
- General: name, mouse_opaque, tool_tip, control_name, enabled, visible, use_bounding_rect, default_tab_group
- Positioning: width, height, left, right, left_delta, bottom, top, bottom_delta, follows, rect_control
progress_bar parameters
- Class LLProgressBar : LLView
- In source file llui/llprogressbar.cpp
- Used by layout_panel.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <floater bottom="400" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true" can_resize="true" can_tear_off="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="100" left="550" min_height="100" min_width="250" mouse_opaque="true" name="example_progress_bar" tab_stop="false" title="progress_bar" width="250"> <progress_bar bottom="20" enabled="true" height="50" left="20" mouse_opaque="false" name="progress_bar" width="200" /> </floater>
Common parameters
- General: name, mouse_opaque, tool_tip, control_name, enabled, visible, use_bounding_rect, default_tab_group
- Positioning: width, height, left, right, left_delta, bottom, top, bottom_delta, follows, rect_control
Specific parameters
search_editor parameters
- Class LLSearchEditor : LLUICtrl : LLView
- In source file llui/lllineeditor.cpp
- Used by floater.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <floater bottom="400" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true" can_resize="true" can_tear_off="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="80" left="550" min_height="80" min_width="250" mouse_opaque="true" name="example_search_editor" tab_stop="false" title="search_editor" width="250"> <search_editor bottom="20" enabled="true" height="20" left="20" mouse_opaque="true" name="search_editor" tab_stop="true" width="200" /> </floater>
Common parameters
- General: name, mouse_opaque, tool_tip, control_name, enabled, visible, use_bounding_rect, default_tab_group
- Positioning: width, height, left, right, left_delta, bottom, top, bottom_delta, follows, rect_control
- Text: label
string parameters
- member of LLPanel : LLUICtrl : LLView
- In source file llui/llpanel.cpp
- Used by floater, panel, and multi_floater.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <floater bottom="400" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true" can_resize="true" can_tear_off="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="200" left="550" min_height="50" min_width="50" mouse_opaque="true" name="example_string" tab_stop="false" title="string" width="250"> <string name="string">String</string> </floater>
view_border parameters
- Class LLViewBorder : LLView
- In source file llui/llviewborder.cpp
- Used by panel.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <floater bottom="400" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true" can_resize="true" can_tear_off="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="80" left="550" min_height="80" min_width="250" mouse_opaque="true" name="example_view_border" tab_stop="false" title="view_border" width="250"> <view_border bottom="20" enabled="true" height="20" left="20" mouse_opaque="false" name="view_border" width="200" bevel_style="out" /> </floater>
Common parameters
- General: name, mouse_opaque, tool_tip, control_name, enabled, visible, use_bounding_rect, default_tab_group
- Positioning: width, height, left, right, left_delta, bottom, top, bottom_delta, follows, rect_control
- Others: border
Specific parameters
web_browser parameters
- Class LLWebBrowserCtrl : LLUICtrl : LLView
- In source file newview/llwebbrowserctrl.cpp
- Used by floater, panel, and layout_panel.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <floater bottom="400" can_close="true" can_drag_on_left="false" can_minimize="true" can_resize="true" can_tear_off="false" enabled="true" follows="left|top" height="400" left="350" min_height="150" min_width="150" mouse_opaque="true" name="example_web_browser" tab_stop="false" title="web_browser" width="550"> <web_browser bottom="20" enabled="true" height="350" left="20" mouse_opaque="false" name="web_browser" tab_stop="true" width="500" start_url="" follows="all" /> </floater>
Common parameters
- General: name, mouse_opaque, tool_tip, control_name, enabled, visible, use_bounding_rect, default_tab_group
- Positioning: width, height, left, right, left_delta, bottom, top, bottom_delta, follows, rect_control
- Text: font, font_size, font_style
Specific parameters