User:Zand Gundersen

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About Me

How did I find about Second Life

While attending a Networking class in 2006 a fellow classmate asked me if I currently had an account with Second Life. When I answered No he informed me about SL and all the customization you can do with it. As the days passed I became more and more interested in SL until December of 2006 I made an account.

What I do in Second Life

I mostly do Scripting and Building. You will most likely find me on my land when I'm logged on. At other times I'm with friends or people in need of my assistance.

What Type of System do I use to play Second Life

The system I use is a dell Dimension E521 modified to my liking.

  • CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+
  • Memory: 1.5 GB
  • OS Version: Ubuntu 8.04, Linux 2.6.24-22-generic i686
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600

What I found in Second Life

Life Heartbeat

Life Heartbeat is a community created in the eyes of Spider Mycron he offers a verity of free classes

  • Building
  • Photoshop & Texture
  • Scripting
  • Animation

Video Tutorials

Torley Linden has made many video tutorials and whether you are new or a veteran Second Life player I suggest you check them out. He is always in need of new ideas so feel free to send him some.

My Scripts

Here is a list of some of the Scripts I made in Second Life. These scripts I made during the time I have been playing SL. You are free to use these scripts as long as you keep the credits intact.




Audio Streams

Various Streams that I use on my Parcel.
Note: These may not work after time.