Lestern City

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Revision as of 17:46, 12 October 2008 by Mrc Homewood (talk | contribs)
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Coming Soon.

Current Admins/Land Owners

Yendor Heslop

Lee Adria

Mysterious Hotshot

Dannoth Dagger

Mrc Homewood

Andrzej Docherty

                 LESTERN CITY RULES
      Version 2.1 - Last Updated 4th October 2008

Written by the Lestern City Administration for use in Lestern City

       [1] Common Sense/General Etiquite

Be Respectful to EVERYONE when you are OOC. Obey Lestern City Admins, and the Lestern Security team. Do NOT shout (or use objects to llShout). Do NOT fly (under ANY circumstance). Do NOT use gestures excessively. Do NOT interrupt role play scenes. We do not allow any avatars under the age of 30 days to enter the sim (for security reasons). Do NOT teleport ANYONE into the city at any time (new people have not read the rules!).

       [2] Respect our Role Play Environment

Think Realisticly: If you cannot do it in real life, you can't do it here. Wear an Official Lestern Group Tag at ALL TIMES when in the city. Do NOT abuse any Role Play tools unless you are role playing with them. Do NOT use Lestern City to promote your products and/or groups. Human Avatars ONLY - No other avatars are permitted in ANY circumstance. (* SEE SIDENOTE) OOC text should ONLY be in brackets or through IM. Large Scenes must be approved by an admin BEFORE they are acted. Adult avatars ONLY. (NO small avatars/child avatars). No Age Play (you shouldn't be wearing a child avatar here in the first place). Do NOT rez items which may give you an unfair advantage in role play (such as rezing a fire hydrant when the engine has run out of water).

We do NOT allow fury avatars, machine avatars, or any other unrealistic avatars. Read 2a, if you cannot do it in real life you cannot do it here. You do not see fury people in real life, with tails and fury heads. Nor do we see transformers, unless we are in the cinema. We WILL ban and remove anyone who ignores this rule, as by entering the city you agree to these rules. If you do not like them, go somewhere else.

       [3] Role Play in a REALISTIC and FAIR way.

Do NOT hyperjump/jump over objects which it would not be possible to do in real life. Do NOT use any non-physical objects to get past other non-physical items (such as walls). Do NOT teleport ANYONE else into the city. (Give them a landmark to the welcome area). You MUST be active in ALL of your role play groups (so you can be in the PD and FD as long as you are active, for example). Do NOT switch your groups in the middle of a role play scene. Do NOT Cheat (in any way). Role play is NOT about winning or losing. ALWAYS role play your injuries for an appropriate length of time. Do NOT commit a crime for the time which an admin/police officer tells you to do so (after they have arrested you).

       [4] Meta Gaming & Power Gaming

Meta Gaming is when you use information you have obtained when Out of Character when you are In Character.

   Example: You look at Dannoth Dagger's bubble above his head when you are IN CHARACTER (role playing), and you see: "LPD Chief, Dannoth Dagger".
        You CANNOT use ANY of the information you see here. You may be able to know that he is the PD chief by what he is wearing, by learning it elsewhere in the city, or (more commonly) by asking him. Once you have asked someone what their name is (when in Character) then your character can then remember it in the future.
   Example 2: You are chasing a criminal but you have lost him. You decide to use the minimap to locate him and track him down.
      You CANNOT do this either. The Mini-Map is an OOC tool, you do not have a mini-map in real life, therefore it would be unrealistic (and unfair) to use the mini-map to track people down when in a role play situation.

Power Gaming is when you role play in such a way which does not let anyone else re-act to what you have done/means that whatever they do will make the role play unrealistic.
   Example: You are about to have a fight with a man in the street. You say to him:

/me punched the man and ran off., and you then run off.

      You CANNOT do this  - It is power playing. You are running off before the man can even respond, so even if they role play that they are hit by the punch, you have run off by that time so the role play is useless.

       [5] Weapons

Your weapon MUST be realistic

   i. Firearms should have a reload function
   ii. Firearms should have a realistic sized magazine.

The ONLY Firearms permitted are SINGLE Handguns and Shotguns.

   i. You may ONLY use automatic firearms with specific permission from an admin.
   ii. Dual firearms are STRICTLY forbidden.

Damage & Smoke modes ONLY

   i. No orbit, push, nuke, explosion, trap, or anything of the kind.
ALWAYS wear the "Lestern Health" when wearing a gun.
   Shields are FORBIDDEN.
   Use your firearms ONLY when role playing (i.e. for a REASON!)
   ALL melee weapons are permitted and are encouraged to be used.

       [6] Vehicles

Vehicles are NOT permitted in the city without a vehicle license.

   i. If you are caught rezing a vehicle when you are not in the Lestern Driving License Authority you will be permanently banned from the city without a warning.
   ii. This includes rezing a vehicle and taking it before you leave.
   iii. Terms and Conditions for Vehicle Licences can be found in the Guidebook.

You may NOT rez emergency vehicles without prior permission with the head of that department. You may NOT rez/de-rez vehicles in quick succession. If you are using a vehicle that does not belong to you, make sure you put it back how you took it.

       [7] General Rezing

Do NOT rez any of the following (without administrative permission):

   i. Buildings (or any structures of that kind)
   ii. Permanent Traffic Items (permanent signs, traffic lights)
   iii. Slots of road (or any road markings)
   iv. Rental boxes/servers/vendors
   v. Tip jars
   vi. Security boxes
   vii. Vendors
   viii. Notice boards
   ix. Chat logging equipment
   x. Posters/Advertisements
   xi. Items of furniture.
   xii. Fire Hydrants
   xiii. Or any other items a member of administration deems to be unacceptable.

Rez 3G Fires appropriately. You may NOT use more than 10 prims of fire without prior permission from a member of the administrative team.

       [8] Groups

Do NOT create any "Lestern" groups.

   Contact a Lestern City Admin, and if they wish to continue with the idea the group will be made by an admin.
   Unofficial groups may NOT run in Lestern City without permissions from the admins. Any groups which do run will be officially blacklisted and their members will be banned.
                                       SUBJECT TO CHANGE
                                       © Lestern City 2008