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- 03:27, 12 June 2008 diff hist +17 Bug Tracker/es →Who is WorkingOnIt Linden?: Translated this paragraph - Traducido este párrafo
- 03:27, 12 June 2008 diff hist +33 Bug Tracker/es →Security Issues -- a.k.a "the missing Fifth Project": Translated this paragraph - Traducido este párrafo
- 03:25, 12 June 2008 diff hist +76 Bug Tracker/es →"Projects" and "Components": Translated this paragraph - Traducido este apartado
- 03:06, 12 June 2008 diff hist +582 Bug Tracker/es →Second Life JIRA FAQ: Partial translation of the paragrahp - Traducido en parte el apartado
- 02:51, 12 June 2008 diff hist +205 Bug Tracker/es →Issue States: Paragraph translated - Apartado traducido
- 02:43, 12 June 2008 diff hist +710 Bug Tracker/es →Creating bug reports and feature requests: Translated pargraph - Traducido apartado
- 02:09, 12 June 2008 diff hist +74 Bug Tracker/es →Stay recent: Translated paragraph - Traducido apartado
- 02:02, 12 June 2008 diff hist −632 Inventory loss/es Completely checked text. Finished translation. - Texto revisado por completo. Traducción acabada.
- 01:47, 12 June 2008 diff hist +65 Inventory loss/es →Inventory Item Count: Paragrapg translated - Apartado traducido
- 01:42, 12 June 2008 diff hist +143 Inventory loss/es →Problemas de conexión: Paragraph translated - Párrafo traducido
- 01:27, 12 June 2008 diff hist +140 Inventory loss/es →SOPORTE: Completed translation of this paragraph - Completada traducción de este apartado
- 01:20, 12 June 2008 diff hist +257 m Inventory loss/es →SUPPORT: Beggining translation.
- 01:12, 12 June 2008 diff hist +142 Inventory loss/es →ACTUAL INVENTORY LOSS: Completed translation of this paragraph - Completada traducción de este párrafo
- 01:10, 12 June 2008 diff hist +87 Inventory loss/es →USING THE BETA GRID TO RECOVER LOST INVENTORY: Completed translation of this paragraph - Completada traducción de este apartado.
- 01:04, 12 June 2008 diff hist +231 Inventory loss/es →CAUSAS COMUNES DE PÉRDIDAS EN EL INVENTARIO: Completed translation of this paragraph - Completada traducción de este apartado.
- 07:13, 28 May 2008 diff hist −62 m Inventory loss/es
- 07:12, 28 May 2008 diff hist +369 m Inventory loss/es More translation - Más traducción.
- 06:50, 28 May 2008 diff hist +341 Inventory loss/es Advice: now translating / ahora traduciendo.
- 11:33, 24 May 2008 diff hist 0 m Inventory loss/es →'''Beacons''' (faros): Relocated image - Imagen recolocada.
- 11:31, 24 May 2008 diff hist +87 m Inventory loss →Beacons: Relocated image and added advice about recents versions.
- 11:27, 24 May 2008 diff hist +245 m Inventory loss/es →Beacons: Completado apartado.
- 11:11, 24 May 2008 diff hist +14 m Inventory loss/es →Invisible objects: Completed paragraph - Acabado apartado.
- 11:08, 24 May 2008 diff hist +57 m Inventory loss/es →Locate items lost underground: Completed paragraph . Apartado completado.
- 11:01, 24 May 2008 diff hist +334 m Inventory loss/es →OTHER TIPS & TRICKS: Saving work - Salvando trabajo.
- 10:45, 24 May 2008 diff hist +3 m Inventory loss/es →Inventory Filters: Erratas.
- 10:43, 24 May 2008 diff hist +78 m Inventory loss/es →Inventory Filters: Paragraph completed. Aparatado completado.
- 10:31, 24 May 2008 diff hist −500 m Inventory loss/es →¿Los objetos desaparecen tras ser devueltos?: Completed paragrah / Completado apartado.
- 10:26, 24 May 2008 diff hist +644 m Inventory loss/es →TÉCNICAS DE BÚSQUEDA: More translation / Mas traducido.
- 09:33, 24 May 2008 diff hist +50 m Bug Tracker/es →Related resources: Traducido este apartado.
- 09:28, 24 May 2008 diff hist +3 m Bug Tracker/es →Cómo trabaja: Completada traducción de este apartado.
- 09:25, 24 May 2008 diff hist +484 m Bug Tracker/es Translated some paragraphs.
- 07:05, 24 May 2008 diff hist −172 m Inventory loss/es Translation in progress (work finished for the present).
- 06:46, 24 May 2008 diff hist +206 m Inventory loss/es Translation in progress.
- 06:29, 24 May 2008 diff hist +195 m Inventory loss/es Translation in progress.
- 06:09, 24 May 2008 diff hist +167 m Inventory loss/es Advice: translation in progress.
- 03:49, 6 April 2008 diff hist −72 m Volunteer Mailing List Guidelines/es Mistake: delete category current
- 03:41, 6 April 2008 diff hist +75 m Mentor Linguist Scribe Translation Project →Suggested Pages to Translate: Added Spanish translation "Volunteer Mailing List Guidelines"
- 03:35, 6 April 2008 diff hist +3,041 N Volunteer Mailing List Guidelines/es Tanslate completed.
- 03:40, 3 March 2008 diff hist +2 m User:Irene Muni →Sobre Irene Muni (español)
- 03:20, 3 March 2008 diff hist +5 m SL Mentor Greeters/es →Mentor Greeter Role Past and Future: Faltaba por traducir el título dle apartado.
- 02:59, 3 March 2008 diff hist +35 m Mentor Linguist Scribe Translation Project →Suggested Pages to Translate: Añadido User TraductoresAnonimos Alter.
- 02:55, 3 March 2008 diff hist +1,155 N User:TraductoresAnonimos Alter Creada página.
- 02:44, 3 March 2008 diff hist +67 m Mentor Linguist Scribe Translation Project →Suggested Pages to Translate: Done in spanish Bug Reporting 101
- 02:39, 3 March 2008 diff hist +296 Bug Reporting 101/es Traducida la página.
- 01:31, 3 March 2008 diff hist +727 SL Mentor Greeters/es Traducida la página.
- 02:07, 2 March 2008 diff hist 0 m When and how to file an Abuse Report/es Corrección de una Mayúscula -> minúscula
- 02:06, 2 March 2008 diff hist −86 When and how to file an Abuse Report/es Varias correcciones y mejoras, también tipográficas (completar signos de admiración, etc.).
- 01:34, 2 March 2008 diff hist −4 m Second Life Mentor Q&A/es Quito unas cursivas que no están en el original inglés.
- 01:33, 2 March 2008 diff hist −33 m Second Life Mentor Q&A/es Mínimas correcciones gramaticales y de estilo.
- 07:12, 22 January 2008 diff hist −11 m SL Volunteer Island/es Algunas correcciones gramaticales, pero falta una revisión a fondo.