Important: This article has been translated. The translation was imported on 26 Apr 2010. Any changes will require re-export for incremental translation. |
View or create group notices.
Shows the title of a group notice.
Shows the name of the group member who sent the group notice.
Shows the date a group notice was sent. Notices are kept for 14 days.
Sort group notices by clicking on Subject, From, or Date fields.
Click to create a new group notice. Opens the Create a Notice window.
Create a Notice
Use this section to create a new group notice. Open a new Inventory window to drag attachments to the group notice.
Click to refresh the list of group notices.
Archived Notice
Shows the content of a selected group notice.
Open attachment
Attachments in a group notice show in the gray bar under the Archived Notice description. Click this button to open an attachment.