User:KroygGealach Greymoon/Песочница/Second Life Railroad/ru
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Здесь рассказывается о железной дороге Second Life Railroad(SLRR) и её истории на континенте Heterocera Atoll. It gives landmark locations to the official Linden railway station as well as station created by residents on private land along the railroad tracks.
Up to date info can now be found at
This wiki page may not contain most up to date information on the SLRR due to constant "page griefing"(про оригинал)
(Пожалуйста, используйте страницу обсуждения для добавления своих комментариев, идей и предложений. Пожалуйста, не добавляйте их в этот текст.)
Second Life Railroad(SLRR) пересекает более чем 60 симов на континенте Heterocera Atoll(Northern). And there are 20 more sims that have branch lines extended out from the Heterocera Main line that are being worked on over the next few months to get them operational as well. Branch lines include the Maritime Line, the North Coast Line, the Mountain Line and the North Line. Любой, у кого есть транспортное средство, способное перемещаться по этой железной дороге, может ею воспользоваться.(Any Resident may use this public facility for any purpose consistent with the SL CS/TOS.) Вдоль железнодорожной линии есть много станций, на которых можно выставить из инвентаря свой поезд и отправиться на нём в путешествие, and at times, Linden Labs has provided automated rail service.
Строительство и обслуживание линий производит Linden Maintenance group ((most often)usually Michael Linden, currently) и Linden Department of Public works LDPW.
The long distances covered by the SLRR Atoll railroad tracks make them a unique feature in Second Life. Резиденты SL могут управлять поездами на SLRR и других железных дорогах, так же как любой может управлять автомобилями на дорогах SL.
Residents have been using the SLRR as it is now since 2005. There are many train builders in SL that make a wide variety of trains using several different methods for locomotion. The current SLRR track standards support all types of trains. Already many residents have personal trains they use on the SLRR. Using the SLRR with its current standard is simple to understand and accessible to residents and builders of all skill levels.
The SLRR was originally designed to work under the prevailing conditions in SL. No formal standards for its design were ever published until now. Many changes have occurred in SL since that time, and there is work underway to establish formal standards to guide Resident rail content creation for use on the SLRR. This work was started on the 18th of August 2010 during a LDPW led Railway Brown Bag meeting with the Rail community.
Стандарты SLRR для направляющих и путей позволяют резидентам создавать соответствующие транспортные средства. Другие железнодорожные сети могут использовать отличающиеся стандарты. Их владельцы могут предоставить свободный доступ к стандартам, если в сети разрешено использование собственного подвижного состава резидентам.
Train builders and other rail networks may use different standards, or only part of these standards. Non-Linden rail networks are encouraged to publish their own standards if these networks allow the public to use them with their own rolling stock.
The Standards, as published on these and following pages, are general measurements taken from in-world. However, Linden Lab is committed to adjusting and extending the SLRR in accordance with these standards - Michael Linden.
Описание стандарта доступно в мире SL, а также на страницах этой вики. И резиденты используют SLRR уже на протяжении нескольких лет. Есть множество строящих поезда в SL, использующих разные методы передвижения. Действующие стандарты SLRR поддерживают все типы поездов. Уже многие резиденты имеют свои поезда, которые они используют на SLRR. Использование SLRR с действующими стандартами понятно и доступно резидентам и строителям с разным уровнем квалификации.
During one of the LDPW Office_hours at the beginning of 2010 Michael Linden has made the following public statements, summarized here:
- The SLRR track specifications will not change anytime soon.
- Signals will be installed but we will not be punished for example for "running red light signals".
- Switches will be installed connecting the various branch lines to the main line.
- Automated trains will not be put into regular service by the LDPW, if the residents keep using the SLRR with their private trains.
- Residents may choose to run automated trains, consistent with the ToS.
- ###In the future r###Residents may make a request to the LDPW to connect their private track on the Atoll to the SLRR track via a switch.
These points where reconfirmed on the Railroad Brown Bag meeting between LDPW and the community on August 18th 2010.
Станции SLRR
--- Heterocera Main line
- 1 Tuliptree Station🖈
- -- VRC HQ Tuliptree🖈
- 2 Calleta "Hobo" Station🖈
- -- Train & Rail Museum🖈
- 3 Neumoegen Station🖈
- -- Neumoegen Railyard🖈
- 4 Achemon Station🖈
- -- Trainspotting Station(ex VRC(ex SLRC) Station)🖈
- 5 Obscure Station🖈
- -- Explorer Info Center / Greenlaner🖈
- -- SLRR near: Epirrhoe Tunnel🖈
- -- SLRR near: Epirrhoe Tunnel🖈
- 6 Epirrhoe Station🖈
- 7 Jubata Station🖈
- -- ALIA train rez zone🖈
- 8 Spini Station🖈
- -- (VRC) Athetis Station🖈
- -- Woo Station🖈
- 9 Lunalis Station🖈
- -- Around The Atoll info station🖈
- -- Tagiri Station🖈
- 10 Foxglove Station🖈
- -- H8 Motors Express🖈
- 11 Clearwing Station🖈
- 12 Crenulate Station🖈
- -- (VRC) Pini Yard🖈
- 13 Aglia Station🖈
- -- Celerierio Station🖈
- -- (VRC) Velox Station🖈
- 14 Tenera Station🖈
- -- VRC Crumbi Annex🖈
- 15 Zale Station🖈
- 16 Bhaga Station🖈
- -- Urban Getto🖈
--- Maritime branch line
- 17 Vicina Dock🖈
- -- VRC Cycnia info station🖈
- -- SLRR near: Station🖈
- 18 Dubia Station🖈
- -- Andiana City🖈
- -- SLRR near: SLRR Rail Group HQ🖈
- 19 Crumbi Junction🖈
--- North Coast branch line
- 20 Pawpaw Junction🖈
- 21 Tussock Station🖈
- -- VRC Freight yard🖈
- 22 Malacosoma crossover🖈
- -- (VRC) Malacosoma Station🖈
- -- Peppermint station🖈
- 23 Melanthia Station🖈
- -- SLmRR🖈
- 24 Spangle Station🖈
--- Mountain branch line
--- Northern branch line (option)
- 27 Tussock railyard🖈
- -- VRC Freight yard🖈
- -- Hooktip, Grand Central (planned)
Другие железные дороги
См. также