User talk:Falk Bergman/Removing Texture Loading

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Revision as of 04:54, 18 February 2007 by SignpostMarv Martin (talk | contribs) (moved)
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  • Comment How complete do you want this to be? I made a very quick and easy patch that prevents the client from requesting any image downloads, but in my experience it still rendered a few textures like the grass terrain and avatar hair. It sped up the framerate a lot, but didn't change the GPU requirements to run SL. If the latter is your goal you'd probably have better luck by removing shaders and disabling OpenGL extensions. --Eddy Stryker 12:01, 9 January 2007 (PST)
  • Seconded -- Disabling texture download/display would be a great asset to people interested in communication more than shopping/etc. Kamilion Schnook
    • As long as you like the color grey :-) --Eddy Stryker 12:01, 9 January 2007 (PST)
  • Comment: As far as I was aware, libSL clients don't load textures, due to the lack of JPEG 2000 support :-P SignpostMarv Martin 07:51, 9 January 2007 (PST)
    • This is somewhat incorrect. libsecondlife has had JPEG2000 support for quite some time through our jasper shim called libjaspernet, and some projects use it. Most don't however, as there are few interactive GUI clients using libsecondlife. --Eddy Stryker 12:01, 9 January 2007 (PST)
  • not to say about other small systems, but N800/N770 has 3D hardware support in it's TI OMAP chip, but legal issues stopped (so far) to write open-sourced driver for that box, and closed-sourced driver has "license clash" problem with rest of (mainly FLOSS'ed) stuff. Don't waste your time in expectations - the company behind 3d accelerator for TI OMAP is rigid bunch of lawyers. -- Andy Tir 23:24, 11 February 2007 (PST)