How to use Undo - with Video Tutorial

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Second Life's Undo is used to revert certain changes to an earlier state. While selecting an object, use Edit menu > Undo, or the much quicker keyboard shortcut of Ctrl-Z.

Watch this video to learn more:

<videoflash type="vimeo">4169123|640|480</videoflash>


Undo doesn't work if you have:

  • Changed any of the texture settings on an object. (It won't switch back to the previous setting.)
  • Deleted an object. (It won't bring it back inworld.)
  • Added contents to an object. (If you drag a no-copy object from Inventory into another object's Contents, selecting Undo won't take it out.)

This isn't all-inclusive; Undo generally doesn't work for most of an object's parameters. Nor does it work if you change outfits, like if you switched shirts and want to swap back to the previous one.

What does Undo work on?

Undo primarily reverts changes made to the position, size, and rotation of an object. For example, if you accidentally move a sofa inside a wall, undo "snaps" it back to where it was last.

If you change the position, size, or rotation of an object using the numerical entry fields in the build tools' Object tab, you must click the object again to give it "focus" and make undo work.


  • Undo should work on attachments.
KBcaution.png Important: As of 1.13.3, there's a bug which only undoes changes to the root prim on attachments, so this may not work as intended.
  • Each object has its own independent "chain" of undos which remembers multiple steps.
  • A nice thing about Second Life's Undo is, since this data is stored on our servers, you should be able revert changes to objects inworld even after relogging. Try it! (But don't depend on this, as it can be unreliable.)
  • Sometimes Residents get confused about why Undo is grayed out. Remember that you must select an object to undo changes to that object. (You'll see the positioning arrows and a yellow silhouette glow.)

Undo for text You can also use Undo when writing notecards or editing scripts; in this context, it functions similarly to a word processor's, and untypes what you last entered.

Creative uses for Undo As shown in the above video, Undo can help you retrieve objects lost in walls and help you when building too.

Does Linden Lab have plans to add more Undo functionality in the future? Yes, it's on the so-called "Big List of Things to Do", but we do not currently have an estimated time of completion.