User:Pedro Oval/GIMP Layers to SL Animated Texture
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Revision as of 10:08, 6 December 2010 by Pedro Oval (talk | contribs) (Update to 2.0pre1 (all features intended for this version were added))
Development version
- Layers to SL Texture Animation, version 2.0pre1
- Written by Pedro Oval, 2010-12-04.
- Donated to the public domain.
- Thanks to Digital Dharma for the suggestions.
(define (script-fu-layers-to-sl-anim curimg curdrawable xframes yframes showscript fps)
; Read the layer IDs and the total number of layers from the original image. (define layerset (gimp-image-get-layers curimg)) (define numframes (car layerset)) (set! layerset (cadr layerset))
; The frame size X and Y is the size of the original image. (define framesizex (car (gimp-image-width curimg))) (define framesizey (car (gimp-image-height curimg)))
; Get the image type; indexed images need special treatment. (define imgtype (car (gimp-image-base-type curimg)))
; Check if the given number of horizontal x vertical frames matches ; the number of layers in the original image. If yes, proceed; if not, ; show an error message. (if (= numframes (* xframes yframes)) (begin ; New image (define img (car (gimp-image-new (* framesizex xframes) (* framesizey yframes) imgtype))) ; We don't touch the original image, so we start a new undo group ; for the new image instead. (gimp-image-undo-group-start img)
(if (= imgtype INDEXED) (begin ; Indexed images need the palette to be copied to the new image. (define palette (gimp-image-get-colormap curimg)) (gimp-image-set-colormap img (car palette) (cadr palette))))
; Loop betwen 0 and numframes - 1. (define frame 0) (while (< frame numframes) ; For each layer/frame: (begin
; Show progress as the current frame relative to the number of frames. (gimp-progress-update (/ frame numframes))
; Read the individual layer ID, starting from the bottom. (define oldlayer (vector-ref layerset (- numframes frame 1)))
; Create new layer as a copy of this one and add it to the image. (define newlayer (car (gimp-layer-new-from-drawable oldlayer img))) (gimp-image-add-layer img newlayer -1)
; Add alpha if the layer doesn't have it. (if (= (car (gimp-drawable-has-alpha newlayer)) FALSE) (gimp-layer-add-alpha newlayer))
; Calculate the offsets and crop size. (define offsets (gimp-drawable-offsets oldlayer)) (define newsizex (car (gimp-drawable-width oldlayer))) (define newsizey (car (gimp-drawable-height oldlayer))) (define offsetx (car offsets)) (define offsety (cadr offsets)) (if (< offsetx 0) (begin (set! newsizex (+ newsizex offsetx)) (set! offsetx 0))) (if (< offsety 0) (begin (set! newsizey (+ newsizey offsety)) (set! offsety 0))) (if (> (+ offsetx newsizex) framesizex) (set! newsizex (- framesizex offsetx))) (if (> (+ offsety newsizey) framesizey) (set! newsizey (- framesizey offsety)))
; Calculate frame position X and Y. (define framey (truncate (/ frame xframes))) (define framex (- frame (* framey xframes))) (set! framex (* framex framesizex)) (set! framey (* framey framesizey))
; Resize and place the layer. (gimp-layer-resize newlayer newsizex newsizey (- (car offsets) offsetx) (- (cadr offsets) offsety)) (gimp-layer-set-offsets newlayer (+ framex offsetx) (+ framey offsety))
; Force it visible. (gimp-drawable-set-visible newlayer TRUE)
; All done. Next loop iteration. (set! frame (+ frame 1))))
; Progress 100% (gimp-progress-update 1.0)
; Merge visible layers (all are visible now). (define mergedlayer (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers img CLIP-TO-IMAGE)))
; Make the new layer the size of the image. (gimp-layer-resize-to-image-size mergedlayer)
; Convert the image to RGB if it is not already. (if (not (= imgtype RGB)) (gimp-image-convert-rgb img))
; Detect alpha by converting it to a selection. (gimp-selection-layer-alpha mergedlayer)
; If there is no useful alpha, the selection should cover the whole image. ; Invert it, and if it becomes empty, then it means that alpha was not ; in use: the whole image was covered with 100% opacity. (gimp-selection-invert img) (define hasalpha (car (gimp-selection-bounds img))) (gimp-selection-none img)
; If it didn't have any alpha, remove the alpha mask from the layer. (if (= hasalpha FALSE) (gimp-layer-flatten mergedlayer))
; All done - close the undo group and add a display window for the new image. (gimp-image-undo-group-end img) (gimp-display-new img)
; Show the script if requested (if (= showscript TRUE) (gimp-message (string-append "default\n{\n state_entry()\n {\n" " llSetTextureAnim(ANIM_ON | LOOP, " (number->string xframes) ", " (number->string yframes) ", 0.0, " (number->string (* xframes yframes)) ".0, " (number->string fps) ");\n }\n}\n"))))
; If the frame counts didn't match... (gimp-message "Error: Number of layers doesn't match horizontal x vertical frames")))
- Register the function.
(script-fu-register "script-fu-layers-to-sl-anim"
_"<Image>/Script-Fu/SecondLife/Frames to texture..." _"Convert a set of layers (frames) to a texture suitable for llSetTextureAnim." "Pedro Oval" _"Public Domain" "2010-12-04" "RGB*, GRAY*, INDEXED*" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0 SF-ADJUSTMENT _"# of horizontal frames" '(2 1 1024 1 10 0 1) SF-ADJUSTMENT _"# of vertical frames" '(2 1 1024 1 10 0 1) SF-TOGGLE _"Generate LSL script?" TRUE SF-VALUE _"Frames per second (for script):" "10.0")
New in this version with respect to the stable one:
- Add progress indicator.
- Clip each layer to its rectangle.
- Respect the original offsets of layers.
- Do the merge down in the correct order.
- Add alpha to the layers that lack it.
- Set the final layer's size to the image's size.
- Extensively commented.
- Generate the LSL script.
- Automatically remove alpha from the final image if not needed.
TODO list
- Perhaps change the strategy to use gimp-image-duplicate to simplify the process.
- Add the opposite conversion: given an animated texture, split it into layers.
- Read the layer name to see if it includes the word "(combine)", and if so, combine it, as the Unoptimize filter does.