Blondin Linden's Zindra Office Hour Agenda

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Revision as of 18:18, 12 January 2011 by Lias Leandros (talk | contribs)
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  • Going forward, I would like to see agenda items in a box, like below, with only the very basic information. It doesn't need to be a book. I've tried to copy everything over so if I missed something, I'm sorry. It wasn't intentional. - Blondin

Action Items / Take Aways

  • Podyan: Moles are working on it
  • Talk to Lexie
  • Lets think about getting a calendar set up for Expo Island reservations
  • Add tag line to Zindra

Date: January 10, 2011

Topic Proposed By Links Jira Number? Old or New Business Comments
Topic Proposed by Link JIRA # Old or New Business Comments -
Zindra Unzipped 2011 Lias Leandros JIRA # Old Business complete proposal posted and e-mailed to Blondin and Sissy Blitz. Opening day moved to April 25th so timeline will not interfere with Art Maze Event -
Art Maze report Ginette Pinazzo JIRA # Old Business Comments -
BED FAIR Lias Leandros JIRA # Old Business Completed proposal. Dates moved from February 2011 to accommodate Art Maze. Event Date is now November 1st to Nov 20th, 2011 (as agreed to at the Nov 15th OH Meeting). Set up will start in September 2011 -
Basic Adult Verified Account Prompt needed for new Registration Process Lias Leandros JIRA # New Business All new accounts registering for Second Life are prompted to choose a BASIC account or a fee-based account that will allow them to access Adult content. This is mis-leading. We need a basic Adult Account prompt on the registration page also -
Adult Verification Kiosks in Mature & PG Infohubs on the entire Mainland Lias Leandros JIRA # Old Business I proposed this February 2010, The program was approved March 2010, Colleen Criss had the Kiosk design approved October 2010. The list of 31 Infohubs is provided. A ROLL-OUT DATE is now needed. -
7 Steps To Community use of the Sim of Zindra Lias Leandros JIRA # New Business Proposed guidelines for community use of the sim of Zindra -
Clarification of Participation in Linden Land Events in Zindra Sissy Blitz Link JIRA # New Business The written guidelines for use of Linden Land for community events in Zindra does not explain what the procedure is to remove a community participant from a community event and who is allowed to do so.I believe we need to clarify because all of my items from ART MAZE have been returned to me and I have been informed by a resident that I am not allowed to participate in this event endorsed by Linden Lab on Linden Land -
Zindra Border Town Time Warp Game Lias Leandros Link JIRA # New Business Proposal for the use of the four sims in Zindra for a summer interactive role play event. Set-up June 1st, Opening Day: July 22nd, Closing Day: August 22nd -