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Revision as of 16:41, 28 February 2011 by Nova Fhang (talk | contribs) (Search on the Market needs just give what is asked for, not pages of unrelated stuff.)
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I have more lindens than I do time. When I am looking for something, say for example, mermaid tails. I do not want to page through hair, Jeans, shirts, shoes and a TON of other things that have NOTHING to do with what I am looking for. I search by Revelance but that seems to mean nothing. More often than not I am just closing out my search after a few pages. I only want to see what I have typed in the search. This happens no matter what I am looking for. It has gotten so I rarely use the market place anymore because the search is such a waist of time. The search needs to be fixed so it gives me just what I asked for. Nova Fhang 15:41, 28 February 2011 (PST)