User:Stryker Jenkins
Stryker Jenkins
Builder of prefab houses. StrykerJ Buils are just that little bit different then other Prefab houses. Also available to hire as builder of complete concepts and custom builds.
In-world home and shop location is: Maia/124/130/129
Secretary for the Virtual Railway Consortium (VRC). We combine our effort with other transportation groups in SL to make it a better place.
In-world group main location is: VRC HQ Tuliptree/96/142/30/
Off-World home, Netherlands - Delfzijl.
Interests and other info
- My interests: Design / Build / Construct / Create / Invent / Destroy / Rebuild / Reinvent / Teach.
- Spoken languages: Nederlands / English / Deutsch / Gibberish / Typonese.
- I like to make houses and other structures. As well as to ride the Second Life Railroads (SLRR).
- Secretary of the Virtual Railway Consortium as of June 1st 2010.
- Wiki editing
Me about Me
"I love to build and construct houses and other things. So if you want some help just IM me. I build and life in Selene... see my profile picks for a landmark. I recently started doing some scripting work for my own houses as well. Apart from building structures like houses I also like to do some community work. I have worked on projects for Four Bridges. A collection of Non-Profit organizations. As well as for the ever growing Railway Community in Second Life. Amongst which the Virtual Railway Consortium."
You can find me on SL most every day working on something or other. So drop me a Note or IM me.
Otherwise try Virtual Railway Consortium or Twitter StrykerJenkins
Stryker J 08:07, 12 March 2011 (PST)