Viewerhelp:2.6.0/Logging in to Second Life
Enter your Second Life account name (not your real-life name) and click Log In to login to Second Life. Forgot your name or password?
If you don't have a Second Life account, get one!
Your unique Second Life username. |
The password you entered when you registered. Check Remember to save your password so you don't have to type it again, but uncheck this if you're on a shared computer or have security concerns. |
The password you entered when you registered. Check Remember to save your password so you don't have to type it again, but uncheck this if you're on a shared computer or have security concerns. |
Start at
Selects the location where you want to start: select My last location, My home, or type a region name. This option appears only if you have the Start Location / Show on login preference checked: choose Me > Preferences and look in the General tab. See Changing your login location for details. |