LLO version page cleanup
Revision as of 09:39, 13 May 2011 by Rand Linden (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Abandoned Land FAQ * About CopyBot, similar tools, and the Terms of Service * About Homesteads * About ad farms and network advertisers * [[About the Heterogeno…")
- Abandoned Land FAQ
- About CopyBot, similar tools, and the Terms of Service
- About Homesteads
- About ad farms and network advertisers
- About the Heterogenous Grid
- Adult Oriented content controls: definitions meeting transcript
- Adult Oriented content controls: educator meeting transcript
- Adult Oriented content controls: landowner meeting transcript
- Adult Oriented content controls: merchant meeting transcript
- Advertising Rules & Etiquette
- Age Verification FAQ
- Age Verification Parcel and Estate Management Features
- Alt Account FAQ
- An Overview of Second Life Security
- Beta Known Issues and Information
- Buying land in the Land Store
- Can I be punished for revealing information about another resident without permission?
- Can I change a group's name?
- Can I change my avatar's name?
- Can I delete a group notice after I've posted it
- Can I find out if someone I referred upgraded to a Premium account?
- Can I have a custom last name for my Second Life account?
- Can I rent a Region for a special event?
- Can I retract a previously-filed abuse report?
- Can I rotate my Private Region?
- Can I transfer my account to another person?
- Changes to billing and trading limits (formerly LindeX tiers)
- Clarification of policy disallowing ageplay
- Classifieds FAQ
- Community Partnership Program/FAQ
- Community Partnership Program
- Community Standards
- Contacting Linden Lab Billing
- Credit Card Failure
- General Information
- Death and other worries outside Second Life
- Delinquency Policy
- Details for landowners on migrating to Zindra
- Details for the 2009 Homestead reactivation process
- Did you make a mistake when you billed me for my Mainland land holdings?
- Do I need a credit card or Paypal?What if I don't have one?
- Do my alternate accounts need to be age-verified if I verified my main account?
- Email Scam (Phishing) FAQ
- Estate FAQ
- Estate and Private Region Autosaves and Restores (Rollbacks)
- Estate and Private Region Billing FAQ
- Estate and Private Region Customizations
- Estate and Private Region Moving and Renaming
- FAQs on Policy Regarding Inworld "Banking"
- False cache virus alerts
- Filing an Abuse Report
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Pilot Program for Testing Early Improvements to the IP Complaint Process
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Second Life Winterfest Promotion
- Frequently Asked Questions on Our Content Management Roadmap
- Frequently Asked Questions on the IP Complaint Process
- Frequently asked questions about AvaLine: Dial an Avatar
- Frequently asked questions about the Best of Fall Fashion Show in Second Life
- Frequently asked questions about the Second Life Halloween Spotlight
- Frequently asked questions about the Second Life Marketplace
- Frequently asked questions about the Second Life Marketplace for merchants
- Frequently asked questions about updates to the XStreet SL Listing Guidelines
- GNU General Public License, version 2.0
- GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1
- Getting started FAQ
- Guidelines for Blog Comments
- Guidelines for Private Region Naming
- Holiday 2009 Land Auction FAQ
- Homestead FAQ
- Homestead pricing update FAQ
- How are group dividends calculated?
- How can I find out who referred me to Second Life?
- How can I make sure I stay out of trouble?
- How can I use my US dollar balance?
- How do I allow someone to buy a Private Region in a space that is next to mine?
- How do I bequeath my Second Life account and assets to another Resident if I die in real life?
- How do I buy Linden dollars (L$) on the LindeX
- How do I change my password?
- How do I change or remove group land contributions?
- How do I confirm my land use tier?
- How do I downgrade to a Basic account?
- How do I get Linden Dollars?
- How do I get my stipend?
- How do I get permissions back for something I gave to someone else?
- How do I keep someone from selling my stuff?
- How do I log a complaint about the support I received?
- How do I login if I forgot my Second Life name?
- How do I request a memorial event in Linden Memorial Park?
- How do I request a memorial placement in Linden Memorial Park?
- How do I sell Linden dollars (L$) on the LindeX?
- How do I stop notecard spam?
- How do I upgrade my account type from Basic to Premium?
- How do I view statements of my account activity in printable PDF form?
- How long can my Second Life account remain inactive before it's deleted?
- How long does a response to an Abuse Report take?
- How long does it take to get the L$1000 bonus after I sign up for a Premium account?
- How long does it take to process credits?
- How to Cancel an Account
- How to Mute Another Resident or Object
- How to apply for the Linden Department of Public Works
- How to become verified as an adult
- How to report an underage Resident in Second Life
- I'm experiencing parcel encroachment. How do I get the offender to move the unwanted object?
- I'm having problems with more than one computer on one connection
- I'm having some trouble using American Express to pay for things with Linden Lab.
- I've filed an abuse report, I haven't heard a thing, and the offender isn't banned -- why?
- I bought Linden Dollars (L$) but my balance hasn't updated!
- I bought Linden Dollars (L$) from the LindeX and was charged more/less than I thought I would be. Why
- I can't buy anything on the LindeX because of billing and trading limits; what do I do?
- I can't tell how much L$ I have; it just says "Loading."
- I can't update my payment information.
- I forgot my password. What should I do?
- I got stuck in a box or a cage or something. How do I get out?
- I have an agreement with one or more Residents regarding real estate, group management, performance of services, division of revenue, etc., but they aren't keeping to the agreement.
- I just canceled my account and I'm still being charged!
- I keep getting shot and thrown far away. How can I stop this?
- I made a mistake in my request to process account credits (US$ to check or Paypal). How do I cancel the request?
- I need to report a region being offline.I need to report a region being offline.
- I paid Linden Dollars for an item, but didn't receive it.
- I paid US$ for something, but the system doesn't seem to know it yet.
- I paid for something, but didn't receive it as promised. Or: I provided something, but wasn't paid for it as promised.
- I placed a bet with another Resident's gambling script, but it didn't pay out, or didn't pay out correctly, or the odds aren't right, or it doesn't follow the rules for the particular game.
- I rented a land parcel from another Resident (either on the Mainland or in a private region) and it's being taken back from me, even though I've paid the agreed-upon fees or rent.
- I seem to be having trouble paying. What's going to happen to my account? Will I lose everything?
- I started a group that was disbanded, so I tried to start another one with the same name, and I can't.
- I want to sell real-life items through Second Life.
- I was participating in a large group event that was disrupted violently. Now what?
- If I do not allow a friend to see my online status in Second Life, will they still be able to see it on the website?
- Information about Openspaces (Void Regions)
- Information about the Enterprise Level Support Program (ELSP)
- Information on wire transfers
- Instructions for completing wire transfers
- Instructions for setting up Process Credit payments through wire transfer
- Intellectual Property
- Inventory management for Xstreet merchants
- Invoicing for Special Orders of Land in Second Life
- Inworld policy on bots
- Is it OK to ask other Residents to take surveys?
- Is it OK to log chat with a scripted object?
- Is it possible to have bigger regions?
- Is it possible to view transactions older than 30 days?
- Is there a technical reason we can't link trees?
- Knowledge Base Feedback
- Land cutting
- Linden Communication Venues Guide
- Linden Grant
- Linden Home/Covenant
- Linden Home/FAQ
- Linden Home
- Linden Home Help Guide
- Listing Enhancements
- Mainland policies
- Managing Freebies on Xstreet SL Roadmap FAQ
- arketplace fees
- Marketplace listing guidelines
- Maturity ratings: an overview
- Maturity ratings and inworld search
- Maturity ratings and media access
- Merchants FAQ
- Month of MachinimaMore info about Section 3.2 of the ToS and patents
- More info about Section 3.3 of the ToS and your intellectual property rights
- My Paypal is ok, but it's still failing. Could it be your Monthly Maximum limit?
- My group was disbanded; can I get it back?
- My password has too many stars in it!
- New Policy Regarding Inworld Banks
- Openspaces FAQ
- Paying for Private Regions and special Paypal issues
- Policy Regarding Wagering in Second Life
- Policy on Resident-Run L$ Financial Services and Securities
- Preventing common billing problems
- Private Region (Island) FAQ
- Private Region Transfer FAQ
- Private Region Types
- Protected Land FAQ
- Questionable content
- Resources for questions or problems outside Second Life
- Safeguarding your account and protecting your password
- Scripted Agent Status
- Search FAQ
- Search Guidelines
- Second Life Billing Policies
- Second Life BunnyJam Contests Fine Print
- Second Life Forum General Guidelines
- Second Life Last Names FAQ
- Second Life Mentor Group Closing FAQ
- Setting your maturity preferences
- Setup Fees for Land Inworld After April 24, 2008
- Sharing Second Life Accounts
- Snapshot and machinima policy
- Some landowners seem to be charging their own tier for land in US$ through Paypal or some other system -- what's going on?
- Someone claiming to be a Linden is threatening to ban my account and take my land!
- Someone else has my password; I may have been the victim of fraud.
- Someone in Second Life is abusing me verbally through Voice.
- Someone in Second Life is distributing chat logs within Second Life or on the Second Life forums.
- Someone in Second Life is doing something that makes the whole region run much more slowly than it should.
- Someone in Second Life is providing information about another Resident's "real world" life.
- Someone in Second Life is taking pictures, screenshots, or video of Residents without their permission, or in private areas.
- Someone in Second Life who I don't like keeps Instant Messaging me and following me around. What can I do?
- Someone with the last name "Tester" left some unwanted objects on my land. Who is this Resident and what's going on?
- Stop being pushed -- sit down!
- Submitting a Knowledge Base suggestion
- Suggesting a policy change
- Support Tickets Explained
- System Requirements
- Terms of Service
- Terms of Service Arbitration FAQ
- Terms of Service Archive/Through 29 April 2010
- Terms of Service Archive
- Terms of Service FAQ
- The Special Island Order Form
- The password retrieval email hasn't arrived. What do I do?
- Themed Private Regions
- Third Party Policy and Viewer Directory FAQ
- Tickets for Basic and Guest Accounts
- Tickets for Billing and L$ Issues
- Tickets for Feedback
- Tickets for Technical Issues
- Trademark Guidelines
- Underage Reporting in Second Life
- Usage Fees & U.S. Dollar Charges
- Using PayPal with Xstreet
- Value Added Tax (VAT) Frequently Asked Questions
- Viewer access FAQ
- Viewing and analyzing sales
- Voice Chat Privacy
- Wagering Games FAQWagering Games FAQ
- Welcome Area Guidelines
- What's Concierge service and how do I get it?
- What's a workaround?
- What's the difference between Estates and Private Regions?
- What's the reason for the message "Not Authorized" when I try to enter my billing information?
- What are Second Life's subnets?
- What are inworld office hours, and how can I attend them?
- What are the different levels of account membership?
- What are the different types of Account Verification?
- What are the parcel ban and access heights?
- What are the rules for the script checkboxes in the About Land window?
- What does "SLT" stand for?
- What happened to First Land?
- What happens to land I own in Teen Second Life when I turn 18?
- What happens to land I own on the mainland if I downgrade from a Premium account to Basic?
- What happens to my Teen Second Life account when I turn 18?
- What happens to my inventory and Linden dollars if I am permanently banned from Second Life?
- What if I don't know my security question
- What is Extended Support?
- What is Second Life Answers?
- What is the Risk API?
- What is traffic (formerly known as dwell)?
- What should I do about abuse that moves outside of Second Life?
- When I log into Second Life, it gets to "Waiting for Region Handshake" and stops.
- When I log into Second Life, it says my user name and/or password is incorrect.
- Where can I find economic statistics on Second Life?
- Where can I find information about using Linden Lab's trademarks and logos?
- Who are Lindens?
- Who gets my Second Life stuff if I die in real life?
- Why are comments closed on some blog posts?
- Why can't I update my credit card billing?
- Why did my billing agreement with PayPal fail?
- Why does Second Life say "You cannot log into Second Life from this location"?
- Why does Second Life say "Your account is not accessible until (date/time)"
- Why is my account on hold?
- Why isn't the last name I want listed?
- Why was I billed an additional transaction fee?
- Why was I charged $1.00 on my credit card?
- Why was my group disbanded?
- Xstreet Currency Exchange
- Xstreet Real Estate
- Xstreet SL login change FAQ
- Xstreet Wishlists
- Xstreet account merge FAQ
- Xstreet fees
- Xstreet forums
- Xstreet general FAQ
- Xstreet listing guidelines
- [[]]