History/Details for landowners on migrating to Zindra

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This article is obsolete, but kept as a historical record. Do not rely on this information in any way. However, it may be used in the future, so please do not delete or modify.

As we previously announced, we're changing our policy towards adult goods and services. The existing Mainland will be limited to Parcel lght M.png Moderate and Parcel lght G.png General content. We're going to offer those Residents with adult content on their Mainland parcels the opportunity to relocate to a new Adult continent, called Zindra.

How can I get land on Zindra?

Do you have adult content on your parcel? (for definitions of what constitutes adult content, see the following Knowledge Base article: Maturity ratings: an overview) If you have commercialized adult content or services on your parcel, and are therefore significantly impacted by the introduction of Adult Oriented content controls to Second Life, we'll provide you with land equivalent to your existing parcel(s) on Zindra, free of charge.If you don't have existing adult content, but would still like to relocate, we'll be opening up auctions for the new continent after this migration phase is complete.

What if I have adult content and don't want to move to Zindra?

If your parcel is larger than 16,384 m^2, you can request movement to a Private Region (island) instead. We will discount the Private Region setup fee (normally US$1,000) based on the amount of land you own. For example, if you have 32,768 m^2, you would pay $500 for the setup fee. If you have 49,152 m^2, you would pay $250 for the set-up fee. The regular monthly land fees of $295 will be charged 30 days after the move.There will be a separate ticket type specifically to request this sort of move.

What if the parcels with adult content are owned by a group?

A group owner should submit the ticket to migrate. The first request submitted from an Owner is the one we will honor.If the group wants to request movement to a Private Region instead (and they own more than 16,384m^2), things get more complex, as Private Regions can only be owned by individual Residents. The request should come from the individual who is prepared to take on ownership of the Private Region (as well as responsibility for the set up fee, and monthly fees thereafter). They must have billing information on file.

How do I apply for the migration to Zindra?

The process will be as follows:

  1. When Zindra opens to the public, you'll have the opportunity to scout out your favorite parcels.
  2. Approximately two weeks after Zindra opens, we'll start accepting tickets requesting migration.
    • For a mainland parcel, submit a ticket to the Land and Region Issues > Request Migration to Adult Continent queue.
    • For a whole Region, submit a ticket to the Land and Region Issues > Requesting Migration to Private Region (Adult Content) queue. For more information on moving to a private Region, see question #8 in Zindra: An Update on our Land and Sea blog.
  3. The tickets will ask you:
    • Where your current parcels are (only include the ones with adult content that you would like to exchange for land on Zindra); please provide SLurls.
    • If the parcel is group owned, what is the group name? Please only submit a ticket if you're a group Owner; if the group has several Owners, we'll act on the first ticket submitted by an Owner.
    • To describe the adult content you have on the parcel.
    • The location of your top three parcel choices on Zindra; please provide SLurls.
    • Whether you want to retain your existing parcel on the Mainland as well as the new parcel on Zindra (you'll need to remove all adult content from the Mainland parcel).
  4. We'll process the tickets in the order in which they were received. If all three of your top choices have already been assigned, we'll ask you for your next three.
  5. We'll set the parcel for sale to you for L$0. When you purchase it, it will not immediately increase your monthly land fees. If you choose to retain your existing parcel on the Mainland, this may push you into a higher tier bracket when the Zindra parcels start billing.
  6. You will have two weeks to claim the new parcel and move your adult content to the new location. We'll provide a Knowledge Base Article with some best-practice tips and tricks for moving your content.
  7. After you have moved, you may leave a landmark giver on your land. There's a template one in the library section of your inventory called "Box with Landmark Kiosk", but you can customize it with your own textures (please do not use adult textures).
  8. At the end of the two weeks, if you have not indicated you want to retain the existing parcel(s), we'll reclaim them and return all objects on the parcel to the owners (unless the sole object left is a landmark giver).

What happens if I don't remove my stuff in the two weeks?

If you're not keeping the land, we'll return everything left on it (unless the only thing left is the landmark giver) and reclaim it.

What if I have multiple parcels with adult content?

You can choose multiple parcels on Zindra to move to. If you want to consolidate them into one large parcel, that's fine too! You can put all the information into one ticket.

I only have a little bit of adult content, do I have to move to Zindra?

The only place where you can have publicly-promoted adult content on the Mainland is this new continent. You could choose to subdivide your current parcel and just request a small parcel in the new continent.

I don't see a parcel of the size that I need!

When the time comes to make your request, provide a description of what you need ("I need 1024 m^2 in an L shape", or "I need half a region of just water"), as well as a SLurl if you've found a Region that appeals to you. We'll try to join, subdivide, and do what we can to make things fit, but remember: it will be first come, first served when we open the migration request ticketing on June 29th.

I found the perfect parcel; I need to make sure no one else gets it.

When we open the migration request ticketing on June 29th, requests will be handled on a first come, first served basis.

I have other questions not covered here.

Please submit a ticket using the Support Portal.

  • From the Ticket Type dropdown, select Land and Region Issues.
  • From the Region Request dropdown, select I have questions about Adult Content Policies and/or Zindra.