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Before you can upload mesh objects, you must:

  • Have payment information on file. You can add payment information by visiting the Billing Information section of your Second Life account page.
  • Complete the Mesh IP Questionnaire, which verifies your knowledge of intellectual property rules. Violation of intellectual property rights can result in the permanent revocation of your ability to upload mesh objects!
  • Have at least one compatible COLLADA (.dae) file on your computer. You can create your own by using most popular 3D software packages, or, if you have the appropriate rights, you can download models created by other 3D artists from online repositories. Try our sample content page for a free model if you're just getting started.

Cost to upload

During the beta period, there is no Linden dollar (L$) cost to upload mesh models. After the feature leaves the beta phase, we will be charging a variable but as-yet undetermined Linden dollar fee for each model.