User:Angel Slocombe

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Revision as of 04:19, 25 October 2008 by Angel Slocombe (talk | contribs)
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Hey, I'm Angel and I joined Second Life on 12/18/2006 and can honestly testify to not having gone more then 48 hours without logging in since.

I'm a Volunteer SL Mentor Greeter, Burning Life Ranger, Builder, Roleplayer, Avatar maker, Business Owner, SL Snapshot Flickr enthusiast, and love learning new things which I always do in Second Life because it is just THAT awesome.

You may hear lot of people who seem to spend a lot of time complaining about the things that are wrong with Second Life, or why they hate it. Personally I prefer to sing about all of the great things about Second Life and leave the complaints to the people who seem to take pleasure in them. Second LIfe has quite literally opened up a whole new world to me and allowed me explore part of myself I had never even considered exploring before. For example, when I joined Second Life, I was a Software Engineer, I created Java programmes and considered myself a very technical,logical sort of person. Now believe it or not but after almost 2 years in Second Life I've never really even bothered to try to learn LSL and instead have been almost completely focussed on the more creative opportunities Second Life has offered me. From learning to build and texture, to writing a "living novel" while roleplaying to making my avatar have all kinds of appearences, to learning Photoshop skills to enhance my Second Life snapshots. Second Life has made me realise that I DO have a creative side and wow she's having fun here.

I enjoy meeting new people and helping them find their feet in this world, so please so feel free to contact me if you have a specific question or would like more information on anything I've written here.