Marketplace/Direct Delivery Beta Instructions

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Direct Delivery is now available on Aditi (the Second Life Beta grid) for Beta testing. Those who are able to try out this new listing and delivery method are encouraged to do so. We have prepared some documentation to help with Beta testing and are providing a couple of ways to provide feedback. Read on for more details.

NOTE: Direct Delivery testing occurs on Aditi ONLY. Any references to L$, purchases, objects, etc. are specific to Aditi and will NOT impact any production data on Agni.

What is Direct Delivery?

Direct Delivery is primarily an infrastructure change to improve the purchase and delivery experience for Marketplace customers as well as the listing and selling experience for Marketplace Merchants. Customers will no longer need to log inworld to accept a delivery from the Marketplace. Merchants will now be able to sell unboxed products to customers--so customers will be able to use items right away! For more general answers on Direct Delivery, please see the Direct Delivery FAQ.

How does Direct Delivery work and what functionality is currently supported?

We have created draft forms of several Knowledge Base articles to help you get started with Direct Delivery on Aditi. Here are the links to the articles:

  • Updated Selling in the Marketplace article.
  • Updated Managing Your Marketplace store article.
  • Marketplace Direct Delivery Migration article to describe the migration process from Magic Boxes to Direct Delivery.

Currently, the following features are not currently supported for Direct Delivery listings:

  • Products containing an item the MERCHANT does NOT have copy rights on cannot be sent to the Marketplace. The functionality to support this is not complete and is not active in the current Beta. Once it has been completed, we will allow this.
  • ANS is not ready for testing. We expect to have this ready to go by the week of 1/16/2012. NOTE that ANS will not be supported for inworld objects. (It is supported for static URLs.) There is no current plan to support sending notifications to inworld objects; however, we are interested in feedback and will revisit this decision if there is a strong case to support this. (See below for ways to provide feedback.)
  • There are several known bugs. Please see the Marketplace Beta Release Notes for all outstanding issues with the Beta.

How to get started testing Direct Delivery on Aditi

In order to make sure your Direct Delivery testing on Aditi is successful, please follow these steps to get your account correctly set up. (For general information about using Marketplace on the Aditi grid, see the Preview Grid Wiki page.)

  1. Use your production account when running tests on Aditi. Changes made on Aditi will have NO impact to your production account.
  2. Log into the Aditi grid using the viewer of your choice.
  3. If your account does not exist on Aditi or you do not have any money in your Aditi account, please file a customer service ticket against the Marketplace (as a General Marketplace Issue) and we will get it moved to Aditi.
  4. Log into the Aditi Marketplace: Confirm you can access your Merchant Home. If Merchant Home is not available, click on “Create a Store”.
  5. If you are logged inworld, log out. Log in to the Aditi grid using the Second Life Project Viewer: (You only need the project viewer if you would like to try out listing items; you can use any viewer to purchase.)
  6. In the project Viewer, confirm that you can view the Merchant Outbox by clicking on Me->Merchant Outbox.
  7. Go back to the Marketplace. Purchase an item that starts with “DD”.
  8. Go back to the project viewer. You should see the Received Items panel in your inventory tab (collapsed) with 1 item in it, that is tagged as “NEW”.
  9. Once you have completed all of the above, you are in good shape. If things above do not go as expected, please file a JIRA.

URLs and Required Regions for the Direct Delivery Beta

In order to participate in the Direct Delivery Beta, you will need to be logged into the correct region and use the correct URLs. Here is a cheat sheet:

Feedback Instructions

We are providing two ways to give feedback on Direct Delivery: JIRA for bugs and a survey to provide more general feedback. Here are links to get you started on each of these feedback methods:

  • JIRA
    • Go to
    • Search to see if your issue has already been reported. (These wiki instructions will help)
    • Create an Issue in the “3. Second Life Webstie - WEB” project
    • Fill in summary and description, including steps to reproduce the problem, and if you were able to try it out on Production.
    • Fill in the component as “Marketplace-Beta” if you do not see the problem in Production, or ayou re not sure if it appears in Production. If you see the problem in Production, use the “Marketplace” component.
    • Specify the environment (region, viewer version, etc).
    • Submit the issue.
  • Survey: please go here to provide additional feedback on the Beta and the documentation.

While we will be doing our best to monitor feedback on the Merchants Forum, the best way to get your feedback to us is by using the above methods.