Friends List Test
[LENGTH] 00:30
[OVERVIEW] Intended to test the functionality of the Friends List
[SETUP] Requirements: 2 Users, Tester 1 and Tester 2. Rezzable Land.
[0010] Testers 1 & 2: Open your Inventory > My Inventory > Calling Cards and delete any cards you have for each other.
[0020] Tester 1: Right click on Tester 2: and Select "Add Friend" from the Pie Menu
[0030] Tester 2: Accept Tester 1:'s Request for Friendship
[0040] Tester 1: Open your Friends list
[0050] Tester 1: Verify you see Tester 2:'s Name with (Online) all in bold typeface
[0060] Tester 2: Logoff for a minute
[0070] Tester 1: Verify you still see Tester 2:'s Name But not in Bold Type and the (online) extension has gone.
[0080] When Tester 2 log's back in, Verify you can See Their Name in Bold again With the (online) extension
[IM from Friends List]
[0090] Tester 1: Left-click on Tester 2's name in the friends list then Left-click on the "IM..." Button
[0100] Tester 1: Verify this has opened a new IM Window "Instant Message With Tester 2" etc
[0110] Tester 1: Type a message to Tester 2: then hit enter to send
[0120] Tester 2: Verify you see the IM Show on your Screen along with the "IM Recieved" Button
[0130] Tester 2: Click the "IM Recieved" Button and Send back a reply.
[0140] Testers 1 & 2: Verify you both were able to Send and Recieve an IM
[0150] Testers 1 & 2: Close The IM Window
[Profile from Friends List]
[0160] Tester 1: Left-click on Tester 2's name in the friends list then Left-click on the "Profile..." Button
[0170] Tester 1: Verify The Profile window opens correctly, The Online Field Should be Shown there as "Yes"
[0180] Tester 1: Verify the Map button in profile shows their location on the map.
[0190] Tester 1: Close the Profile and Map.
[Offer Teleport from Friends List]
[0200] Tester 2: Move away from Tester 1: You can Try a small walk, Fly to Next Sim, or Teleport Away.
[0210] Tester 2: Once in your location, Tell/IM Tester 1: to Continue
[0220] Tester 1: Left-click on Tester 2's name in the friends list then Left-click on the "Offer Teleport..."
[0230] Tester 1: A dialog will pop up "Offer Teleport", "Offer a Teleport to your location with the following Message" etc, Click OK
[0240] Tester 2: You should recieve a blue pop down dialog, saying "Tester 1 has offered to teleport you" Click the teleport button.
[0250] Tester 1: Verify you were able to Send the Teleport Request
[0260] Tester 2: Verify you recieved the request and were able to acknowledge it.
[Paying a User from the Friends List]
[0270] Testers 1 & 2: Take a note of your Account Balance.
[0280] Tester 1: Left-click on Tester 2's name in the friends list then Left-click on the "Pay..." button.
[0290] Tester 1: Verify the Pay Window opens
[0300] Tester 1: Enter an Amount of 1 and Click Pay
[0310] Testers 1 & 2: If enabled you will get a dialog box stating that money has been sent and recieved.
[0320] Tester 1: Verify your balance has decreased by 1$
[0330] Tester 2: Verify your balance has increased by 1$
[Granting and Revoking Modify Rights from Friends List]
[0340] Tester 1: Right-click on the ground and select Create from the Pie Menu, and Rez a Cube.
[0350] Tester 2: Right-click on the cube and Select Edit
[0360] Tester 2: Try and Alter any of the Object Properties including Size and Shape
[0370] Tester 2: Verify you cant alter any of the Cubes Properties.
[0380] Tester 2: Close the Edit Window
[0390] Tester 1: Left-click on Tester 2's name in the friends list then Left-click on the "Grant Modify Rights..." button.
[0400] Tester 1: Verify you see a dialogue window "Do you want to grant modify rights to Tester 2: ?"
[0410] Tester 1: Click yes in the dialogue window
[0420] Tester 2: Verify you see a message similar to "Second Life: You have been granted the privilege to modify Tester 1:'s objects."
[NOTE] The (online, granted rights) may get truncated and be displayed partially as ...'s
[0430] Tester 1: Verify you Now see Tester 2: Listed in your Friends List as Tester 2 (Online, granted rights) all in a bold typeface for online
[0440] Tester 2: Log off for a minute
[0450] Tester 1: Verify you Now see Tester 2: Listed in your Friends List as Tester 2 (granted rights) but now not in a bold typeface
[0460] Tester 2: Right-click on the cube and Select Edit
[0470] Tester 2: Try and Alter any of the Object Properties including Size and Shape
[0480] Tester 2: Verify you can change some of the Cubes Properties.
[0490] Tester 2: Close the Edit Window
[0500] Tester 1: Left-click on Tester 2's name in the friends list then Left-click on the "Revoke Modify Rights..." button.
[0510] Tester 1: Verify you see a dialogue window "Do you want to revoke modify rights from Tester 2: ?"
[0520] Tester 1: Click yes in the dialogue window
[0530] Tester 2: Verify you see a message similar to "Second Life: You privalege to modify Tester 1:'s objects has been revoked."
[0540] Tester 2: Right-click on the cube and Select Edit
[0550] Tester 2: Try and Alter any of the Object Properties including Size and Shape
[0560] Tester 2: Verify you can no longer alter any of the Cubes Properties.
[0570] Tester 2: Close the Edit Window
[0580] Tester 1: Delete the prim cube.
[Remove Friend from Your List]
[0590] Tester 1: Left-click on Tester 2's name in the friends list then Left-click on the "Remove..." button.
[0600] Tester 1: Verify you see a dialogue window "Do you want to remove Tester 2: from your friends?"
[0610] Tester 1: Click yes in the dialogue window
[0620] Tester 1: Verify Tester 2: is no longer Listed in your Friends List
[0630] Tester 2: Verify Tester 1: is no longer Listed in your Friends List
[Closing, Minimising and Resizing the Friends Window]
[0640] Tester 1: Verify you can minimise and maximise using the correct windowed icons.
[0650] Tester 1: Verify you can click drag the sides/top, Click the bottom right chevrons to enlarge/shrink both, and click drag on the window to drag it around back to its lock point on the chatbar corner.
[0660] Tester 1: Verify you can close the Friends List using the X, Ctrl-w or the Close Button.