Follower script
Revision as of 23:23, 23 June 2012 by Zelena DeCuir (talk | contribs)
This script is based on an extract from the Batman Follower v1.2. It is very basic. If you put it in an object, that object will keep moving toward a position offset from it's owner.
vector offset = < -1, 0, 1>; //1 meter behind and 1 meter above owner's center.
default {
state_entry() { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); // Little pause to allow server to make potentially large linked object physical. llSleep(0.1); // Look for owner within 20 metres in 360 degree arc every 1 seconds. llSensorRepeat("", llGetOwner(), AGENT, 20.0, PI,1.0); } sensor(integer total_number) { // Owner detected... // Get position and rotation vector pos = llDetectedPos(0); rotation rot = llDetectedRot(0); // Offset back one metre in X and up one metre in Z based on world coordinates. // use whatever offset you want. vector worldOffset = offset; // Offset relative to owner needs a quaternion. vector avOffset = offset * rot;
pos += avOffset; // use the one you want, world or relative to AV.
llMoveToTarget(pos,0.4); }
} </lsl> <lsl> //adding this script as a less laggy and more efficient way of doing the same as above //this is for havok4's new functions vector offset = < -1, 0, 1>; //1 meter behind and 1 meter above owner's center.
default {
state_entry() { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); // Little pause to allow server to make potentially large linked object physical. llSleep(0.1); llSetTimerEvent(1.0); } timer() { list det = llGetObjectDetails(llGetOwner(),[OBJECT_POS,OBJECT_ROT]);//this will never fail less owner is not in the same sim // Owner detected... // Get position and rotation vector pos = llList2Vector(det,0); rotation rot = (rotation)llList2String(det,1); // Offset back one metre in X and up one metre in Z based on world coordinates. // use whatever offset you want. vector worldOffset = offset; // Offset relative to owner needs a quaternion. vector avOffset = offset * rot;
pos += avOffset; // use the one you want, world or relative to AV.
llMoveToTarget(pos,0.4); }
} </lsl>
This following is a bit less laggy, as it does not use sensor
integer count; key followee;
vector agent;
position() { vector pos = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(followee, [OBJECT_POS]),0); llSetPos(pos); count += 1; if (count > 50) { llResetScript(); // llSay(0,"resetting"); } position2(); } position2() { vector pos = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(followee, [OBJECT_POS]),0); if (pos == <0,0,0> | pos.z > 1000 | pos.z < 800 ) { llRegionSay(-8765433,(string)followee); llSleep(1); llDie(); } llSetPos(pos); count += 1; position();// yes this script loops between position(); and position2(); }
default {
state_entry() { llSleep(3); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,700,"who",""); //asks another script in contents who is wanted to be followed (maybe the other script has a listener, getting the to-be-followed agent from a central server or something) // llSay(0,"reseted"); } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string message, key id) { if (num == 500)//the other script replies, giving us an agentkey to follow { // llfolloweeSay("I follow: " + (string) message); followee = (key)message; // llfolloweeSay("I will follow: " + (string) followee); // llSleep(1); if (followee != "") { llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,600,"got it","");//we tell the other script we got the name and we are ready position(); } return; } } on_rez(integer start_param) { llResetScript(); }
} </lsl>