Script:Wind Powered Random Sounds
Revision as of 07:58, 12 July 2012 by Silent Mole (talk | contribs)
<lsl> /*
Sounds are played louder and faster as wind speed increases.
- /
integer sounds = 0; // # sounds in inventory list soundnames; // names of sounds in inventory
LoadSounds() {
soundnames = []; sounds = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_SOUND ); integer n; for ( n=0; n < sounds; ++n ) { soundnames += llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_SOUND, n ); }
float GetWindStrength() {
return llVecMag(llWind(<ZERO_VECTOR>));
float GetVolume( float str ) {
return str * 0.1;
string GetASound() {
return llList2String(soundnames,(integer)llFrand( sounds ));
integer count = 0;
default {
state_entry() { LoadSounds(); if ( sounds > 0 ) llSetTimerEvent( 0.1 ); else llOwnerSay("No sounds."); }
timer() { float str = GetWindStrength(); ++count; if ( count > (integer)(10.0 - str) ) { llTriggerSound( GetASound(), GetVolume(str) ); count = 0; } } changed (integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } }
} </lsl>